Meeting Lucas

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Jesse woke up on Monday morning and checked her assignments for the day. Lucas Edwards was on top of the list, in fact, he was the only name on the list.
Not long after she received a text from Robin.

"Hey, I thought you would like the day to get to know Mr. Edwards. So I cleared your schedule." Jesse read the text and groaned, she really didn't want this assignment. She didn't know how to deal with someone with PTSD.

Not that she wasn't interested in this case, it would be good training for the future.

Quickly getting ready, she hopped in her car and drove 15 miles up the highway.

She parked in the driveway and walked up to the door, knocking three times.

Jesse wasn't prepared for what she was about to see next. The man she bumped into at the restaurant opened the door and was staring right at her. And she stared right back.

"Oh, uh, hi. I'm Jesse Hoverlane." Jesse stuttered, the man on the other side of the door continued to stare.

"Uh, Mr. Edwards?" Jesse asked. Lucas snapped out of his trance and his eyes widened.

"Oh, I apologize. Here, come in." Lucas motioned for her to step in, Jesse did so and looked around when she first entered.

"Mr. Edwards-" Jesse started, but was cut off.

"Lucas, please." Lucas said, he seemed to be in a trance, distracted. Walking down the hallway, he sat in a chair in the living room, motioning for her to sit across from him.

"Mr- Lucas." She corrected herself. "I was sent by the health care agency, they said you requested a companion?"

"Yes. But I don't understand why they call you that." Lucas said quietly, sounding as if he was in deep thought.

"Call me what?" Jesse said, leaning forward as if it would help her understand better.

"Companions. You aren't dogs, I didn't ask for a dog. I simply want company.
Now, tell me about yourself Jesse. What are your hopes, dreams, future career choices?" Lucas said, seeming intrigued.

Jesse was shocked by the question, that's not something you usually ask a stranger. But then she remembered what he said, he just wanted company. He wanted, no, needed, a friend.

"Well, I want to be a nurse someday. Right now, I work jobs that present  themselves." Jesse said simply. Lucas nodded his head and twirled his cane sitting next to his chair.

"And what about you?" Jesse asked, soon she realized her mistake. He couldn't work. Her face must have shown her inner fear, because he chuckled, and dismissed the mistake.

She hadn't really paid attention, but he looked older than 30. He had dark circles around his eyes, probably from the sleepless nights. Stress seemed to have added a few wrinkles.

"Oh god, where are my manners. Would you like a drink?" Lucas asked quickly.

"No thank you." Jesse said, she smiled and he hid a grin in his hand. Ever since last night, when he saw her, he couldn't stop thinking about her. There was just something.

Soon, an hour past, and they found themselves talking about their childhood and other little things.

Jesse stayed until 3 in the afternoon, they swapped stories from their childhood, and ended up talking a bit about their family. She didn't dare bring up the boat incident, or pry about the others that were on it.

Neither one of them understood why they opened up so easily, both were pretty reserved people.

For once, work didn't feel like work for Jesse. Yes, it was fun taking little old ladies to the mall, or helping a disabled person take care of their kids. But talking to Lucas, it was nice. And she couldn't remember the last nice conversation she had.

When it was time for her to go, Lucas got up, and walked her to the door.

"I hope we can be friends Jesse. It was nice talking to someone other than my care giver." Lucas said, he held his hand out and she grasped it.

"I hope so too. It was nice talking to you too." Jesse said, gazing up at him and smiling. Again, Lucas couldn't help but grin.

After Jesse left, Lucas sat back in his chair and sighed. He hoped that something could come out of this. He only knew her for one day, but he couldn't help but develop a little school boy crush on the girl.

Once Jesse drove out of the street, and back down the highway, she let a smile grow. She had a great time. And soon, she knew she would end up developing feelings for him. That was extremely unprofessional, but right then, she didn't care.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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