Chapter 12- A Friend

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. 8:00am. Why can't classes be in the afternoon. I get up and check my phone as usual. Nothing. I walk downstairs quietly trying not to wake anyone. I walk into the kitchen and a bowl of shreddies which I then eat within the next 5 minutes. I walk back up to my room and put on my Legend of Zelda top, my other pair of black jeans, my dark blue converse, and I put a pair of black earrings in. I sit on my bed and check the time on my phone. 8:49am. I have so much time so I go on twitter. As usual more questions about Dan but also some from my friends back at home. I reply to some tweets and then get a brilliant idea. I go onto messages and go onto Ben.

Hey, just thought of the best thing ever! -Adrian

What -Ben

After class lets go into town and I will wear one of Dans tops and we will see if anyone will think im Dan -Adrian

That will be so funny, lets do it -Ben

Cool, i'll grab some of Dans clothes and be at the dorm in like an hour -Adrian

See you then -Ben

I run downstairs and slowly opened the door to Dan's bedroom and looked around. Dan is on the floor asleep with tissues all around the room. I had forgotten about what happened yesterday. All his draws were open, all his clothes on the floor, things broken, and a pizza box as a blanket for Dan. I walk thought the mess quietly and find Dan's black top with a white circle in the middle. I also grab his llama hat, then walk out of his room. I go to my room and put the clothes in my bag and take my bag downstairs. I grab my jacket and leave a note to say i've gone to my class. I walk down into the cold London air and walk down to the underground. I get out my oyster card that Dan had got me, and go though the gate. I hop on the tube and i'm at my stop within 5 minutes. I walk out and go up to the street. I walk along to the school and make my way to the dorm. I knock on Maysie and Ben's door and Maysie answers.

"Hi," She says with a smile.

"Hey, can I come in," I ask looking at her in her long red pj pants with Hello Kitty on them and her blue top.

"Sure, I was just about to go to the bathroom to get changed," She said walking back in and grabbing a pile of clothes.

"Why not get changed here?" I asked unsure.

"Wow, you really are a pervert, but if you haven't noticed, I have to room with Ben, and he won't leave, so I do," She says walking to the door, " But don't leave without me," She says walking out.

"You really make her leave?" I ask sitting down next to Ben who is actually playing 'Call Of Duty' for a change. 

"Yeah, I can't be bothered moving," He said very focused on the game.

"But she's a girl," I said thinking it was a bit rude of Ben to do that.

"Gender equality," He said simply.

"Fine, whatever," I said knowing I wouldn't win, "Why aren't you playing Skyrim?"

"I broke the disc," He said sadly.

"Oh, that sucks," I said.

"Yeah," He said still playing Call Of Duty. Just then Maysie walks in wearing a dark blue dress that goes down to her knees, black tights/stockings, a light pink belt, and ankle high brown lace up boots.

"What the special occasion?" I ask because she never wears dresses.

"What, there's nothing happening, why?" She asked confused.

"Oh, you just never wear dresses," I said awkwardly.

"Is it a crime for me to wear a dress," She said going and sitting on her bed.

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