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Josie and I step onto the paddle board, our life jackets curving awkwardly around our body's. We set off, hoping to get a glimpse of the white duck that was seen nesting. Josie's brother paddles near by, his quirky grin following us. The paddle board slips effortlessly through the water, sending small ripples through the water. I should explain. Josie, me, and our whole soccer team were at a teammates house. Goose was her nickname, she had this small lake in her backyard. Compared to the small lakes, this was a pond. This pond is where we spent most of our time. We swim in the water, our life jackets keeping us afloat. 15 girls occupied the water, and most were battling for possession over paddle boards. We had just eaten, small bites from a hamburger with a bun for me, and Josie, being the gluten free person she is, ate a hamburger without the bun. Most girls stayed at the table, talking about boys and all that nonsense. I always said,
"We have 90 years to find love, why start now?" I had absolutely no interest in boys. Me and Josie took off, happy to escape the onslaught of mosquitoes. We abandoned the table, being our antisocial selves. We buckled our life jackets, and had took off to the paddle board, smiling at our success. Once we took off, we slid across the water, excited to see the pure white duck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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