3:46 p.m.

20 3 0

The way my parents speak is the moods of the highest peak

I say I dont like when others mislead the truth

But I began To realize the thought about how I could've grown into that habit and have broken away from the roots

They say you learn from the home but how can you disregard that statement for others who have become more grown

So I miss the old me

And I've become the person I never thought I'd be

Life sucks but my days don't rust

They say my writing is to sad and how can I become so mad

Over the smallest amounts of details that were written on his arm.

Although I never stopped to think

about how many times you wanted to drink ,

Your happiness within an hour.

I use to hear songs by aventura playing as she was in the shower singing away all her regrets

As she got ready to see her friends, the friends who don't even stop by and check

To even give back all the memories they made together
That made every single thing change in the weather.

Enjoy the moments and make them last

My timer keeps running out the farther I go in the past

It felt good today knowing everything for this school year was done

Although in the back of my head I couldn't help but feel numb

From all the things I said I wouldn't but have become.

I made new friends and started different things with new people

I just wish all the things I had said could just be erased by a few scribbles.

But I always remember what happens between us but is it just me or have you forgotten the words that came from inside us to set us apart

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