vanessa fliez

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Vanessa bloom was jealous. Very jealous. She wanted to fly like her bee friends. She wanted to defy all known laws of aviation. She wanted to see the world from as high as the tallest building in the world ( which is in Dubai bai the way )
"Barry make me fly!" Said vanessa one morning.
" I'm not sure that I can do that honey" said Barry.
But then he thought of something
" Hold up there a sec, vanessa. I think I know a way to make you fly."
Vanessa's face lit up like a the lamp from iCarly.
" All I need is a phone and a few dozen terrorist. Bee terrorists."
A few hours later Barry came back with millions of bee refugees being hoarded like cattle even though they are bees not cows.
" Alright everyone!" Called Barry through his microphone. " We're going to make this woman fly!" He said.
" How are we going to do that?!?" Asked a random bee from the middle of no where, ignoring vanessa's triggered complaints about Barry assuming her/his/their gender
" Follow my lead!" Said Barry as he began to take off all of Vanessa's clothing.  Some of the bees were in awe at the naked lady.
" Follow me!" Said Barry as he flew towards Vanessa's vagina.
He flew inside the woman's womanly parts and made her tingle a little
" Oh Barry! You're beeing a little rough!"
" Nothing compared to what's coming!"
"What was that?"
Suddenly, a thousand bees flew right into Vanessa, following the same path that Barry did.
" AHHH! Please!" Moaned Vanessa. She couldn't handle the millions of bees flying right into her.
Vanessa kept moaning and groaning until all the bees were inside of her.
" Okay team! It's go time!" Said Barry from inside of Vanessa. " It's time to think bee!"
" Thinking bee! Thinking bee!" Chanted the bees as they began to fly.
Vanessa felt herself beeing lifted off the ground.
Beefore she knew it, Vanessa was flying around naked. People looked up and saw the naked Vanessa flying across the sky.
" Is it a bird?"
" Is it a plane?"
"Is it Harambe?!?!"
"No it's Vanessa!" Screamed Ken, clearing up all the confusion
" O" said new York.
Vanessa saw all of new York beeneath her as the bees flew her towards center city.
" Hey I think I know where we are!" Said Vanessa " I can see the pot dealer from here! Oh, there's another one! And a Starbucks!"
" Ya look right ahead" said Barry
" Where?" Asked Vanessa
" I'll zoom in for you. FULL SPEED AHEAD BOIZ!!!"
" AI ai captain!"
"I can't hear you"
" Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah!"
Vanessa was suddenly flying faster then tenya iida. She was flying faster than sonic. She wad flying faster then keemstar.
2 very tall towers came into view.
" Barry I wanna see the towers!"
" Oh you'll bee doing more than just seeing the towers honey"
" Yay!" Said vanessa as she hurled into the North tower causing 9/11
" So class what was the message of the book?" Asked Mrs. Henderson to her students, who seemed somewhat still engaged. A few had boners, but that was expected from a class of middle schoolers.
" Yes Filbert?" Said the young teacher, pointing out a proactive student with his hand raised.
" Bee movie did 9/11?" He said, somewhat puzzled at the conclusion that he had gathered.
" I guess that's it." She said, writing it on the board.


vanessa fliesWhere stories live. Discover now