March 1-31

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I Love You Because...

60. You taught me to love myself even if anyone forget to.

61. You're the butterflies I feel in my belly.

62. You're my superhero.

63. You complete me.

64. You're the one I wanna marry.

65. You're the one for me.

66. You're my prince. I hope I can be your princess.

67. You make me tripped on my tongue.

68.  You show me who I can be.

69. You make me feel better when I'm so down.

70. I know I can spill my whole life with you and you won't judge me.

71. I can talk to you even though it's late night.

72. You're so fockinnn' cute.

73. I want you to love me too but I know people like you don't fall in love with people like me.

74. My heart belongs to you until forever.

75. You love people with no conditions attached at all.

76. You're sarcasm and joked burned me to my core.

77. You play a very integral part in my life. More of it I wanted you to be the title of it.

78. You destroy me in the most beautiful way possible.

79. You don't make me feel lost or incomplete.

80. You're my most beautiful imagination.

81. You're my happiness.

82. Your brown eyes are like precious gems that duplicate the universe I am dreaming of.

83. You got that wild heart.

84. You're my sky full of stars.

85.  You sparkle and shines through the brightness of the day and blends with the swarthy lights of the darkest nights.

86. You mean my world.

87. Your candid full lips could tell me the greatest tales of the world.

88. You always sings with your heart out.

89. The way you laugh is so angelic to hear.

90. You made up everything of who I am now.

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