June 4th, 2017

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So. This is my first entry, I guess. So I have Wattpad now, as my girlfriend has been asking me repeatdly. Yay!
I won't update daily, I have loads going on, but yeah. I hope I get lots of followers, beacause, *hair flip* I'm royalty! Ha ha.
So, uh, today me and Mal went on a date. I took her on a boat ride. I have to prepare for our anniversary, June 31st. I can't say what I got her, Mal follows me! Sorry! 🤗.
I can't wait for our anniversary. Therr's going to be a huge party, the whole schools invited. No joke. Cause I'm so serious.
Being a King is a daunting task, but I've managed. Things have been going insane, though. The dwarves and their kids have had marches throughout Auradon, demanding more dwarf sized places, saying I'm specesist. It's been hard, and that it currently going underway. I wish I could talk more, but Father just called me to dinner! Gotta go!

Royalty (aka My Diary)Where stories live. Discover now