Richard Olson (Ricky)

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Madeline's POV

Well this may seem a little cliche but, I love this guy who doesn't seem to know I exist. Yeah say what you want he's perfect to me. Everyone tells me I'm crazy for even thinking he'll ever notice me. After awhile I came closer to agreeing but then my friend showed up at my door. Madeline she says panting I got us tickets to the Motionless concert that's coming to town. I gaped and looked at her and started to cry then I hugged her and said how did  you
manage these. Then she told me how she had gotten a really high paying job managing bands at record labels that are just starting. Omg you are amazing Tess I say hugging her tighter. I know she says they are also VIP so we get to meet the band as well. She winked and said Ricky awaits you. She laughed and I couldn't help but blush and laugh with her. Honestly nobody knows me as well as she does. Hey I say you know what this means right. What she says well....I say you get to meet Ryan winking. Hey we get to meet our favorite band since almost all of them have girlfriends except Ricky and Ryan. We finally have a shot a this we could make it happen. I'm ready!

My obsession with Motionless began when I was thirteen and grew even bigger I love them so much the guys are adorable and funny plus make some of the best music known to humans. Then my obsession with Ricky began shortly after something about him stuck out to me maybe it's his humor or his sassiness but damn is he adorable you can't be mad at Ricky at all. He is just to cute and funny you'll have to be happy with him no matter what. Looking at pictures of him and watching his interviews with Chris and others they have so much fun and then there's me being a fangirl but I can keep cool when I meet him I know because I've meet band members before and have learned from experience. So I'm ready for the concert and backstage passes to kick in we have to wait a week only a week Friday the 13th here we come.

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