Dream or Reality?

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This was it. The last day of school. Jonathan got up out of bed rather quickly today, and didn't hesitate to get ready. Sock was following him the whole way, ranting on about how he still needed to kill himself. But he didn't really listen. He raced to the front door and opened it, only seeing all black. Before he could do anything something grabbed him and started pulling him in. Resisting and resisting, he tried to get free made him much more weaker. He looked back at sock. "Help me!" Sock stood there smiling, and pushed him in. "Sorry, buddy, I got a job to do." Jonathan fell, screaming, before hitting ground. He looked around, scared, only to see red eyes in the dark meeting his. Suddenly, it jumped out at him, and everything turned white.

Jonathan sat straight up in his bed, sweating. Sock was sitting at the foot of his bed looking confused. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." Jonathan look over at his clock. It was 2:30 am. Sighing he laid back down. It really was the last day of school, but the nightmare scared him. It's like he actually felt the pain when the thing jumped at him... well, never mind that. It was just a dream. He laid down and pulled the blankets back up over him, trying to sleep again. Sock floated over to the floor next to Jonathan's bed and laid down. He could tell that Jonathan probably wasn't going to fall back asleep. "So" sock said. "So" Jonathan replied, yawning.
"Today's the last day of school, huh?"
"You excited?"
"Are you going to miss your friends?"
"Friends?" Jonathan hadn't thought about that. But then again, he didn't have much friends. Only sock. "I guess."
He didn't here a reply from sock, and looked down at him only to find him asleep on the floor. Jonathan smiled, not because sock wasn't annoying him, rolled over, and fell asleep.

//sorry this took so long to come out! And thanks for being patient. I still have two weeks left of school, and with tests and stuff studying has been getting in the way! But once school is out I promise I'll write more often! Thanks for sticking around! ~Edme

Unexpected - Sock x Jonathan- Welcome to Hell- Now including the sequel "Dreams"Where stories live. Discover now