MY TYPE (Reporter to 'Survey Corps Officials')

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(Reporter invited 'Survey Corps Officials')
Reporter: Hello! I'm the newspaper reporter for today's interview! Nice to text you all!

Hanji: Ohhhh!!!! That's so cool! Think you can convince the upper ups to increase Titan Capture funds?
Erwin: Hanji...please. It's very nice to text you as well Reporter-.

Reporter: I'm a female... I'm sorry I can't give you my's confidential.

Hanji: Miss Reporter it is!

Erwin: I'm so glad you came by to somehow text us...even if we can't meet.

Reporter: Oh! No beggie...I've been interested of the Survey Corps for a while now!

Reporter: Anywho... where is the Strongest Soldier?

Levi: I'm here, and goodbye

Hanji: Leviiii!!!! Don't be like that!

Erwin: Levi, this is a great opportunity for us Scouts...don't ruin this

Levi: Tss

Mike: What is the fuss  all about?

Nanaba: My phones always buzzing...

Reporter: Oohh!!! Humanities Second Strongest Soldier!!!

Mike: Second...

Hanji: Hahaha!!! Anyway...where's Moblit!?

Moblit: I'm here Buntaichou...

Levi: Why the hell is your assistant here!?

Erwin: Hanji...always forgets her phone..that's why we have Moblit, he's always near her anyway.

Levi: Tss

Reporter: Okaaayyyyy....Anyway let's start the interview!

Hanji: Yess!!!
Levi: Don't ask her about titans or anything related

Reporter: Don't worry this isn't gonna be about titans!

Hanji: Nooo!!!

Erwin: Let's just start the interview please...

Reporter: Okay! Soo.. I'm just gonna ask one question to all of you.

Mike: One?

Nanaba: But this is interview right?

Reporter: Yep! You see everyone is so curious and eager to know this question! And this is gonna be on front page!

Moblit: Oh! If this is gonna be on front page it means it must be important so if we can do it perfectly... maybe we can achieve that 1000 dollar yen fund Buntaichou!!!

Hanji: Yesss!!!!

Reporter: ....ah....yeah..... 

Levi: Leave it to them to unfold our intention

Erwin: I hope it won't affect our goal

Reporter: Any's the question!!!

Reporter: (post 'drum roll' sound effect)
Reporter: What's your type of destined partner!!!??!!

Erwin: This is the question?

Levi: The fuck?

Nanaba: Pretend you didn't hear(or see) that
Reporter: first!
Mike: Mn...It would be someone who's strong, collected and serious...
Levi: It's obvious

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