G. STANTON | fucked over

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fucked over | for kristen |
* requested, SEXUAL content *

"G, it was nothing! All I did was congratulate him on the, if you forgot, game winning RBI!" I scoffed, attempting to push past him.

Giancarlo, due to his massive stature, rested his hands above the door frame, blocking my exit.

"Bullshit, Kristen!" His loud voice echoed throughout the house, sending me jumping backwards into our bedroom.

"At least Christian doesn't fuck me over, Giancar-"

Giancarlo attached his lips onto mine, kissing me with such intense desire that I've never known before.

With a swift movement, I jumped up to his stance, wrapping my legs around his torso, clinging to him as never to let go.

He groaned softly, low in his throat, his muscled arms gathering her against him. Steadily paced, Giancarlo walked deeper into our bedroom, his mouth still seizing mine.

As if I weigh nothing, Giancarlo releases me, my back hitting the soft down of the mattress. My heart rate increases as he reattaches his lips to mine, hovering the rest of his body between my spread legs.

I shift my hips sensually, Giancarlo pinning my wrists down in an attempt to confiscate any sense of control.

He released his claim on my lips, kissing down my jawline and attaching onto my neck. With each touch, a moan escaped from my lips, Giancarlo chuckling in satisfaction.

Giancarlo sits up, sustaining eye contact. "I'm going to show you what I mean by fuck over."

A smile played on my lips, as Giancarlo quickly undresses, leaving his briefs on much to my disappointment. He started destruction on my top, completely ruining the fabric as he ripped through the Marlins logo, splitting it in half.

With my tarnished shirt on the floor, Giancarlo skillfully rips off my bra, not taking time to admire the intricate lacework of the Victoria's Secret designer.

I bit my lip, giggling as his mouth seizes my breasts, placing small kisses and bites on every given area of exposed skin, his stubble slightly scratching me.

My giggles originate, now moans as he makes his way down my torso. Looking up at me from my waistline, Giancarlo's smirk now resembles an expression that of approval.

Things had always been very sensual between me and Giancarlo. We had done everything, everything but penetrative sex. I had wanted to wait, and he respected my decision, which I respected.

As soon as I nodded, Giancarlo preceded, pulling my tight jeans off a bit slower and more civilized than my shirt. A chilling breeze drifted between my legs, cooling my core. Shivering, I fisted the silk sheets in my fingertips.

His hands rested between my thighs, taunting me slowly as he fiddled with the black lace of my thong. My breasts rose as I breathed a moan, threatening to release as Giancarlo barely grazed my pooling sex.

Giancarlo's fingertips ran up my thigh, leaving a sea of goosebumps in their wake. He stopped at the elastic of my thong, pausing for a sliver of a second to grasp onto it. Now, As he hovered over me, he intemperately pulled the last of my clothing off with reckless manner.

I watch carefully as Giancarlo repeats the same on himself, pulling off his briefs. His member springs upward as my thoughts pools with lust.

He shot me one last look of approval before slamming into me, penetrating my deepest desires. Screaming in pleasure, I bit my lip, as I endured the first interval of pain.

Giancarlo lowered his lips to my ear. "This is what I consider fucking you over, Kristen."

His smooth lips connect with my neck again as he penetrates deeper into my core. The sting subsided within seconds, pleasure now overcoming me. "G!" I moaned, my nails digging into his chiseled back.

As we both rode into a climax, Giancarlo continued with one last thrust, my release following shortly after his own.


Giancarlo was now positioned by my side, whispering naughty things into my ear. I let out a shaky breath, leaving soft kisses on his chest.

"Fucking people over isn't usually a pleasure." I mumbled into his chest, reaching down below his waistline, tauntingly.

I was ready for round two.


A U T H O R ' S N O T E

i tried kristen! lol i hoped you liked it regardless. this is about as kinky as i could do. KristenCochefski5

i need to wear a crucifix and get a damn dasani bottle with holy water in it.


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