A Poem

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You think the new dude is real,

So you put on your nice heeled boots.

Walk with a switch,

Hoping he just might twitch.

When he gives a rap or two,

Your convinced he's only thinking about you.

So you go on home,

And tell your on the telephone.

"Yeah, I got this new man, doing the best he can,

I know were gonna, he smiled at me in class".

Risk your reputation for nothing but fellah,

But he did'nt mention his baby mama, Ella.

The same dude who you thought loved you,

Cared more about a scratch on his shoe.

So that guy did'nt work to well,

Does this story ring a bell.

So I move on to another point,

A lovely female simply smoked a joint.

Found herself in the hands of a scalawag,

Rummaging and taking everything from her bag.

So she's broke and scared with nowhere to go,

So she walks to the nearest GoGo.

Becomes a popular dancer at the club,

Every man wants to dub.

So she feels like she wanted,

So she keep on flauntin' it.

Then one day her looks go South,

And the man want no more then her mouth.

She was positive this man wanted her,

Till he took out a belt and beat her.

So sad to think you'll risk it for a man,

Especially if you don't he'll go on and kick the can. 

Yes, this may not be the most powerful,

But its got a message to leave your glass full.

There's more where this came from, 

Use your words and shooting gun.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2012 ⏰

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