CHAPTER II : A sea of flames

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It was the stinging pain that kept her eyes closed, and the lack of feel her legs had, that made her motionless as if she were dead.

The smoke was all that she could breath, and it was getting more difficult to get her consciousness at bay. Alkaia felt herself slowly blacking out, their voices fading bit by bit.

Before she lost all consciousness, she heard one clear-resounding phrase,

It was,

"She's alive!"


Night had come, and the slaves were back in their cells. The basement was noisy as ever, as they discussed about the fire that came out of nowhere.

"Should we call her the conjurer of flames now?" Palmer joked, as a chorus of laughter erupted in the dark space which was barely lit by the torches that would soon die out.

"But it surely is a mystery, she's been known to have never spoken-ever, and today she surprises everyone with her Valyrian." Floki brought up, and a few comments were voiced.

"She wouldn't be able to fight for now, Ya saw how the Titan threw her off! T'was as if a chestnut was cracked in half." Ollas commented.

"But if she could use magi-"

"Shut up you fools!" Tharo yelled, silencing the slaves that buzzed around. His voice was coarse, and his whole being ached from all the beatings he received.

It was foolish of him. He knew the moment he entered the pit, he'd be flogged. Nonetheless, he couldn't just stand there and watch. The girl could barely move, and so he ran towards where she was and lifted her. He screamed at them all, telling them she was alive.

It didn't take long for him to get the punishment he deserved. The last thing he remembered before fainting, was being carried downstairs.

And here he was, together with the girl he tried to save.

"They didn't even bother to treat your wounds, those bastards." Tharo clenched his teeth, as he examined her legs. He saw how beaten up she was. Her body was filled with bruises that went from violet to brown.

"It would be mercy to just die, but to live through this torment every single day—that's torture."

He felt her squirm under his hold. Her eyes immediately shot up, it was apparent she was panicking, but she couldn't express whatever she was feeling— she was broken.

"Get your hands off me, or I'll burn you just like I did to that man!" she taunted.

"You shouldn't threaten the person who saved you." he rolled his eyes and hoisted her up so she could lean against the wall.

Alkaia glared at him, but Tharo shrugged it off. "Don't blame me for getting thrown in here, they beat me up too when I ran towards you." he showed his arms, revealing the bruises the Unsullied inflicted on him.


Tharo raised an eyebrow and repeated what she said. "What do you mean why?"

She groaned.

"Why did you help me."

Alkaia was relieved when she could move her neck. She looked at his eyes, and saw his kindness reflect through it.

It was a talent of hers. Alkaia would always look at people's eyes first, and she could easily tell what kind of person they were.

"I'm a decent human being," he reasoned out, "I could atleast help a fellow slave to atone for those who've I've sent to their graves."

Alkaia's gaze softened, and Tharo looked surprised at the sudden change.

"An honorable statement." she replied, and Tharo smiled. Alkaia tried to move her legs, but she couldn't. "I can't move my legs."

The pain was hitting her real hard. Her legs were worn out and tainted with violet, her arms were filled with gashes and cuts.

"I-I don't know what to do." Tharo whispered, his voice was weary, but it was still filled with concern.

Alkaia winced in agony, as she swallowed a groan. It was not that she wasn't used to pain, the fighting pits made sure of that. She would get cuts, from small to big, and she'd live to fight another day. But this was different, she survived because her legs were strong and fast, but how could she continue on? she couldn't even stand nor move them.

"How long have you been here?"

She looked at him, with her hands clenched. "Two years, they took me when I was thirteen. I began fighting in the pits when I hit fourteen."

"You don't look like a slave, and your eyes are quite strange." Tharo pointed out, and he saw something really beautiful.

He saw her smile.

"And so I've been told." Alkaia gazed at the stairs that lead above, she needed to escape before the fighting pits killed her. Dahrzo wouldn't stop her from fighting in the pits, now that he could make her fight with fire alone-

That is, if she could pull it off once more.

It only took her a few minutes to realize how much of an opportunity was presented in front of them.

"Hey, tell me your name." she asked.

"Its Tharo, why do you ask?"

"You want to escape this hell-hole?" she looked into his blue eyes and smirked, "I have a plan, and it includes you, Tharo."

"This isn't a suicide mission, right?" he asked with a reluctant voice.

"It's the only chance we've got." she reasoned. Alkaia knew the risks, there was no certainty of her being able to use magic once more, it could prove fatal.

But it is the risk they have to take.

Tharo smiled, "Oh what the hell!"

Dahrzo and his men died that night. A sea of flames was all it took to gain their freedom. The fighting pits were burned to the ground, and the slaves were freed. The citizens of Yunkai called it a freak accident, unbeknownst to them,

It was only the beginning.

To Be Continued...

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