back in forks

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While they were heading back home Victoria shows up out of nowhere so instead of going to Bella's friends they're chasing down Victoria

Soon enough
She gets a way

So they go to the school

At Forks high School 🏫

Angela&Ben hanging out under the tree🌳 drawling

Alice ~ Edward we will be there with Bella soon

Jasper ~ she's right we just have to do a couple things first

Edward ~ let's go talk to her friends so we can go and check on her

Rosalie ~ I'll talk to Ben an you talk to Angela

Emmett walks to them *clears his throat*

Angela *looks up* Hi

Emmett ~ sorry for interrupting I just wanted to ask you if you seen Bella

Angela looks down
Oh Bella yeah I've seen her but she needs her family in her time of need

Edward ~ what happened to her?

Angela ~ Rene and Phil couldn't make it to her birthday they were going to have it at the big out field

Alice ~ where is she right now?

With Rosalie & Ben

Ben ~ she's at home she's has been since her Mom called an told her that they'll make it next time something about Phil got a big game

Jasper ~ k thanks Angela

Rosalie ~ alright thank you Ben

With Bella

She's thinking of going to the Cullen's houseTo see if anything changed there

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She's thinking of going to the Cullen's house
To see if anything changed there

She calls Jacob

He picks up

Jacob ~ hey Bella what's up! hey Happy Birthday !

Bella ~ thanks Jake hey I wanted to go visit the Cullen's home you want to come with me

Jacob ~ sure I'll be there soon

Bella ~ Okay see you then

Jacob ~ alright bye

Bella ~ bye Jake thanks

A little later

Edward ~ come on let's go tell Carlisle and Esme

They walk over to them to tell them what Angela told them

Esme ~ do you think everything's alright with Bella

Carlisle ~ I'm sure everything is OK with Bella

Edward walks up to them

Carlisle ~ what did they say

Alice ~ that Bella needs her family in her time of need her mom and Phil couldn't make it to come celebrate her birthday with her because Phil got a big game

Esme ~ Aw Bella

Emmett ~ we know what is going on let's go see her now

Rosalie ~ yes let's go

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