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In a white walled, floored and roofed room the only sounds that could be her was the steady beeping of machinery and the heavy breathing of a mother bringing new life into this world. Phrases of encouragement were given by the doctors and nurses that surrounded her and her husband at her side. For what seemed like hours and hours finally cries broke through the room with sighs of relief that followed soon after.

Once cleaned, the baby girl was handed over to the eager mother who, like her husband, had tears of joy running down her face. Gently, she held her daughter close, creating a small alcove with their bodies as if to protect their baby.

The doctors smiled at the love beaming from the couple's eyes. Some of the nurses knew the couple well since they had helped the mother give birth to her sons. Those that had helped were crying themselves to see the girl alive and healthy as the last time the couple were expecting twins: a boy and a girl but only the boy survived.

"What are you going to call her?" One of the doctors asked.  A few nurses had an idea from the last birth and they were partly correct.

"Raella." the father mumbled, still gazing at his daughter's face. "Our little Raella."

Hope you enjoyed the story so far. There's will be a few time skips before the story really begins so bear with me. Sorry if there's any mistakes, I just wanted to introduce Rae first before the time skips start.

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