Partner - Fuyuhiko x Reader

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Requested by Dgtrash11037

Okay this was trash I'm sorry I don't know how to write endings ;;


(This takes place where Hope's Peak Academy is a normal school)

Your class is having biology lesson in the lab, and before class ended, Monomi announced that there will be a project due next week. "Listen up class, I will arrange you in pairs for this upcoming project. This is a research about arthropods and crustaceans, get ready for a presentation by next week! I will now tell you the pairings." The pairing list was flashed onto the screen, your eyes ran through the list, heart almost flying out from your chest when you saw your partner, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu.

The bell rang and class ends, you hurriedly packed your stuff so that you can join Ibuki (sorry she's best girl I just had to add her in) and the others at the café. As you stepped out of the lab, you felt a hand on your right shoulder, "hey you're may partner for this project right? Wanna work on it now?" the voice behind you asked. You turned around to see Fuyuhiko, you shyly nodded and said, "s-sure, give me a moment." And the next second, you were on your phone, sending a text to Ibuki saying that you cannot hang out with them.

You walked with Fuyuhiko to his home, a traditional Japanese house with a dojo (for Peko <3), it was huge. He took you through the corridors, and finally arriving at a huge yellow sliding door with a nine-headed dragon on it (his surname, Kuzuryuu, literally means that). To your surprise, it was neat and tidy, and the interior is the total opposite of what you expected. You two sat around the table and started to discuss about your project.

"So for this slide we should put the pictures of these 2 and compare them...hey are you listening to me?" Fuyuhiko glared at you and spoke. "Y-Yeah of course I am...sure let's go with that idea!!" you immediately replied, but to be honest, you had been staring at Fuyuhiko for the whole time he was talking with a blush on your face. At this moment, you feel like you couldn't hold it in anymore, and it was the same for him, so both of you blurted out at the same time.



The both of you stared into each others' eyes, until Fuyuhiko shifted towards you and gently placed a kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened and blushed madly, "K-Kuzuryuu-kun...?" you whispered, and at the same time noticed that Fuyuhiko's face had became as red as a tomato. You let out a small chuckle.

"I like you...DON'T LAUGH AT ME Y-YOU KID!"

"I like you too, Fuyuhiko-kun~" you smiled as you said that.

"Will my partner?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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