Steel Butterfly

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I found it. It was there, right in front of me. Ever since I had heard about it, I had wanted to look for it-even though I was advised not to.

The urban legend. The ritual. It was just like in the stories.
The strange world was a story- unheard of by most. Whenever it was read to me, I was always told
"Even thought no one knows if this is true, you shouldn't go looking for it; you never know what will happen". However, my 17-year-old curiosities had got the better of me. I, Liberty Baxter, looked for the portal.
Just as the ritual stated, I brought a black velvet eye mask, a vial of blood and a tub of table salt to the steel butterfly (a park with a statue of a large-scale butterfly). With caution of accuracy, I laid out a circle of salt and I drew a pentagram inside then placed the beautiful but blinding mask. "Thy has come to the conclusion of which there be no heaven or hell, only nothingness- take me there" I chanted.

I knew this was when my life changed... forever!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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