You Say You're There For Me

18 1 1

You say you're there for me
but when I really open up to you , you just don't want to see   
You act like you care
but when I have these thoughts and break downs
I text and your never there

You don't know what It's like, to want to die
take the rope, fuck life and hold on tight
when I tell you I want to die, it's no word of a lie
its all building up, I'm weak, I just want to surrender the fight

I can't sleep at night, can't sleep anymore
my constant pain, my constant heart sore
all the thoughts of death, I have and suicide
I tell you about them, why do you expect me to hide

I thought you were the one I could turn to when it got to much
well you could of fooled me, my feelings you don't want to touch
I will just stay away, I get it, crystal clear
but one day suicide will take over, then maybe you will realize my fear

Its ok, I get it, its not happening to you
so it's not a big deal, get over it, let it pass through
here's the thing I have to say, now it's my turn to speak
never push, me too far
'cuz one day I'll be weak
and found shot dead in a car
Where will you be then
I guess we will see

Depressing ThoughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang