Alexander Biggs (0/10)

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Name|| Alexander Biggs

Age|| Nineteen

Gender|| Male

Sexuality|| Bisexual

Personality|| Alexander is an arrogant, flirty guy who gets what he wants when he wants it. He's your average player, and brags about how he has a girl in his bed every night.


Usual clothing|| He's usually wearing dark jeans, a grey 1975 shirt and black converse

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Usual clothing|| He's usually wearing dark jeans, a grey 1975 shirt and black converse

Backstory|| His parents are rich, but argue often. They care about Alexander, just not much about what he does.

Likes|| Partying, girls, sex, flirting, drinking

Dislikes|| Drugs, being told no

Favorite food|| Any kind of burger

Favorite color|| Black

Pets|| None

Other|| None

Scenerio: Make one up or ask me to ^^

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