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Night. When the sun falls and the stars and moon only give a dim light. The meaning of Night is different to me.. The story starts with a friend, a good friend, nice and funny you know things you find in a good friend. But she had a whole nother side. It was Night. Night is a dead girl who has consumed my friend, was in her shadow, always waiting in her until night time. She is evil, and cruel a killer. Night can take over my friend Lily, like she can talk for her and control her. Night laughs at the thought of rivers of blood and brutal deaths. She wants to kill. When Night is out she usually acts angry and irratated. So one night I invited Lily over to sleep over. I slept on my bed and she was on the air matris next to the bed. We settled down and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night for the bathroom. I left my room and closed the door like always. When I came back the second I opened the door she sat up. I told her "sorry to wake you" no response. As I walked back to my bed she watched me, moving her head as I walk around the room, still staring with her squinting eyes. "Go back to sleep" I whispered, silence filled the room. My dogs were growling, both of them even the one who liked her. I pulled the covers over my head. When I removed them Night was standing over my bed staring me in the eyes. Her eyes were fully black with a slight glow of red. "Lily what are you doing?" My voice was shaky and scared. A deep sound almost like a growl came from her throut. She tilted her head and brushed her long hair over my face. She gave me this look of anger, snarling her lip. Laughter spilled out of her, her hand was moving to my neck. Her cold hands rapped around my neck. I sat up and slowly took her hand off of my neck.. She let me take her hand away. Her mouth opened showing fang like teeth. She liked her lips and quickly grabbed my arm. She was pulling me in. My heart was a marching band, going from bump, bum, bump to BANG BANG BANG like someone knocking on the door. I was frozen with fear as she opened her mouth wider as she was aiming for my neck. I snapped out of it and pushed her onto the air matris. She didn't get back up, she fell asleep there. The rest of the night she was tossing and turning, kicking, sleep talking "NO NO" every few hours and screaming like a wild animal some how quiet. But the most unsettling was when she was saying my name and saying "I'll kill you, tear you apart, end you." When the sun rose up and covered the darkness with light, I asked her if she knew what happened and she had no idea. Later that day we were walking together in the cemitary. She whispered to herself with a crackling deep voice and her normal voice. She was saying "I'll kill her I'll kill her..." Her normal voice responded with "What did you do?" The other voice said  ".. You'll see... I'll do something worse....."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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