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The murdered Wizard

Magic reveal, plot , fluff, small amount of smut - 1.5k words

He lay at the bottom of the castle steps, his arms crossed and his head caved in, magic still on his lips; Merlin could sense it. Jonathan Addinel had always been a good friend of the king in his life, yet in his death, he was to be disgraced if his sorcery was found, and a murderer to be set free. In knowing this, Merlin had drawn the magic from his dying breaths with a kiss, a kiss to a dead man's lips but a kiss all the same something he was more familiar with that was common knowledge.

The swift steps of Uther Pendragon rang through the hallways, fury in his stride, "ARTHUR" he called, his son hurriedly rushing up behind him, "you will come with me, I have much to discuss with you." his tone was harsh and unforgiving, his red cloak billowing behind him, mimicking his fury. The heavy wood door slamming with an echoing bang as the young Pendragon stepped inside. "Arthur, I will ask you this once and once only, was this you're doing?" Arthur looked in his fathers face for any joke, any hint of misunderstanding, but he remained with a stone cold glare, one Arthur was not used to. "Sire! why do you think I could do something like this? what motive what..." his stuttering voice was interrupted as quickly as it began, " Don't you dare speak to me in such a tone, your sword was found by his body, you were missing from your chambers and you were seen passing his body, so explain yourself or face the consequences, I didn't bring you up his way and if I find you are lying to me, then I have no son." A pained expression flashed across his face, but he turned away as soon as it had come. His son sat silent, not because he was guilty, but because he had spent the past four nights, drinking and laughing and... staring at Merlin, the chance that Merlin could get in trouble was more than he could bear, the idea that he would be found out, with a servant, a prince couldn't be seen that way, that topped it off, he stood up, walking away from the father who clearly trusted him so little. He ignored the calls of anyone as he marched through the castle and back to his room, staring around at all he had. he had done everything, been all he could for this man and now, without hesitation, he had cast him aside. Evidence? what about his word?! could he possibly mean so little to the man he had shared so much with.

Back in Gaius' chambers, the old man sat, tears in his eyes, he knew that he should protect Merlin, but he never thought that he could kill for him, not just for him, but for his safety, was it selfish, was it all for safety? he didn't know, he didn't care! It was done, what happened had gone, and now he was to go down for him. The young boy walked sluggishly out of his room, giving a good morning nod to his friend, oblivious to his suffering, the only thing on his mind was Arthur. He rushed into the castle, sure that his friend couldn't have done this to anyone. His sword had been there, the blade coated in blood, what else could he think.

As he arrived outside his master's door he could hear faint mumbling, knowing how Arthur was he protected his honor and knocked, "Sire... um... Arthur, it's me, Merlin?" the young prince instantly became quiet and rushed to the door. "Merlin, I'm glad you're here" he put his prince voice on, something he hadn't spoken to Merlin in for more than two days. Merlin ignored his place and barged passed him, "Merlin what are you...? you are still my servant, you can't..." He ignored Arthur's tone, he knew that wasn't the real Arthur, in the past few days he had seen what he was like, and he respected him more than that. " Was it you!?" he asked, staring into Arthurs eyes and standing as tall as he could, Arthur looked at him, a puzzled look on his face, "Did you kill that wiza... man!" he lost his nerve, his stutter losing his presence in the room. "Not you as well, Merlin I didn't do this, I couldn't! What motive would I have!" His voice, though aggressive, seemed hurt. "Arthur I.... He was practicing magic, I saw him he.... I thought that you might have killed him for it." 
"I may be my father's son, but do not for one second put me down as someone who would kiss magic without even a second thought! I could never hurt someone for magic, let alone kill them!" Merlin saw the honesty in his eyes, he truly was the man he thought him to be. "Are you sure about that sire?" Arthur's eyes flashed anger again, "I trust that you could not kill him, but, what you said about magic, did you mean that?" "Of course." 

Merlin stood, deep in thought for what seemed like hours but in reality was mere seconds, could he possibly show him, could he risk breaking his fate. For Arthur, he could. He turned to the prince, staring deeply at the bed behind him, with a flash of gold in his eyes, the covers were ripped clean off, falling to the floor. "Are you still sure?" he asked, looking into the troubled eyes of the prince, he seemed taken aback but never the less he replied the same, "Why did you hide this for so long?" he dropped the act and started to sound more like the man Merlin had talked to before. "I worried that you would have me killed, after all, I'm only your servant, and an idiot at that" Merlin glanced at the floor, embarrassed at his friendship with Arthur, still he felt that he considered him to be below. "I would never do that to you, Merlin..." "And why not?" He asked, smiling at the floor, knowing that Arthur would soon return to his royal self, "Because, you absolute idiot, I love you." Arthur seemed unsure in his voice but certain in his words, a smirk fell upon Merlin's face and confusion upon Arthur's. He gasped as the bed flew from behind him, knocking him down onto it, "Merlin, I order you what are you..." but Merlin's gaze silenced him, "I love you too you absolute prat, now would you shut your royal  mouth for one second, this is one part of life where I am not such an idiot" Arthur was about to protest when he felt the warm touch of Merlin's lips against his, his mind filled with worries of why he felt like this for only a man, and a servant at most. But as he felt Merlins slender body fall down onto his, his mind was ridden of such things, he did not question why Merlin knew how to lie with a man, he didn't even worry about his being a man, let alone his servant, because he was perfect, and his body pressed against his was electric. Merlin moved his head upwards, magic in his eyes as he stared at the prince, enthralled by his kiss, Arthur murmured something under his breath, before catching his breath. "I always wondered" he said, looking directly at Merlin's lips, "what you would look like shirtless" A small laugh came from his pulsing lips, "A servant boy, shirtless" Merlin smiled, pulling up the shirt of the Prince, looking into his eyes, "Let's find out."

Even Gaius felt the power radiating from that room, the very force brought back his happiness, he couldn't hurt anyone with the knowledge of what he had done, he could only watch, and look over the boy, hiding what he had always suspected from the king.

Arthur lay next to Merlin, twisting his hair in his hands and feeling the warmth radiating off his bare chest. "Merlin?" The boy let out a mumble of acknowledgement, rolling to face the Prince, "if you had nothing to do with it, what happened to that man?" Merlin pushed himself up from under the surprisingly sliky bed covers and looked at Arthur, a serious look set in his face. "I have no idea, but please don't worry about it right now, I'm just trying to not get my head cut off."

"Right... Of course" Arthur settled back into the pillow, whomever it was he owed them a thank you for causing... Well... Whatever this was. He looked at Merlin, happy to know he could admire him and not feel guilty, that he could just look at him. Merlin felt his gaze and smiled as he muttered some words under his breath. The air around Arthur seemed to twitch as it came together and created a single blue butterfly that danced around the room, Arthur's eyes following it. It disappeared in a puff of smoke and he settled back into his pillow, finding Merlin's and and closing his eyes. It was beautiful.

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