Brew Ha Ha

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This one was inspired by this prompt- How do you keep getting my name that wrong on my coffee cup AU from
Special thanks to @mariamirallegro for the post and @rhi3915
@bitchesbecrazy89 for the encouragement!

Exhausted after a massive night's revising, Rae finally relaxed as she entered the coffee shop on her way to class. Grumpy Sod Coffee had become part of her morning routine since arriving at Bristol. She blearily read over the menu above the till, knowing she'd have her usual.
"Mornin' Rae!" Archie, her favorite barista beamed at her from behind the counter. Giving her a proper once over, he said, "Jeez, you look rough. Hard night?"
Rae stifled a yawn and nodded, too knackered to bite back at his remark on her appearance.
"The usual, Rae?" He asked.
Raising a hand to cover her mouth she yawned and said, "Yeah. Thanks, Archie."
She paid him and stepped to the end of the counter where her drink would appear. Her eyes closed as she waited, leaning against the counter's edge.
A few moments later, a voice Rae didn't recognize called, "I've got the usual here for May."
Rae opened her eyes and was met with a pair of dark brown eyes set in a handsome freckled face.
"May?" He offered her the cup.
Shaking herself, Rae blinked at the man.
Setting the cup before her, he said, "Archie said it was your favorite." He smiled and returned to the till to start another order.
"But, my name's not May." She whispered in confusion.
Dazed, Rae picked up the cup and took a sip. It was her mocha with a bit or caramel, just as she liked it. Inspecting the cup she found May written on the side with a smiley face in black marker.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, she turned and trudged off to her first class. Rae didn't notice the eyes of the freckled young man following her out the door and past the front windows until she disappeared from view.

The following morning, Rae felt much more rested. She matched Archie's smile as she approached the till.
"Rae! You look well this morning."
"Thanks, Arch. How are you?" She noticed his smile hadn't reached his eyes.
He pushed his glasses further up his nose and said, "Well, the boyfriend and I had a bit of a row last night." He tried to laugh it off. "No big deal."
Placing a reassuring hand over his, Rae said, "I'm sure it will blow over, Arch. You and Barney are so good together." He met her gaze. Shrugging her shoulder, she added, "Besides, who wants someone they can't argue with, eh? I know I wouldn't."
Bobbing his head in agreement Archie sighed, "Thanks, Rae. I'm sure you're right." Opting to change the subject, he asked, "Literature today, yeah?"
"Yeah, Austen. I bloody love Austen." A wistful smile settled on her face.
Giving her hand a quick squeeze, Archie set his hands back on the register. "The usual today?"
Rae smiled and paid for her drink.
Her coffee arrived before she made it to the end of the counter. The man from the day before was there with her cup in his hand.
"Here ya go, Mae." He placed it down and turned away.
Reading the cup aloud, she said, "My name's not Mae."
Turning at her words, the man ambled over to her. "It's not? Funny, that." He scratched the back of his neck. "You sure?"
Rae huffed. "I think I'd know my own name."
The man smiled at her, tilting his head. "I think you look like a Mae."
She gave him a pointed look and countered, "Well, the name is Rae. right?"
His smile widened. "Whatever you say, Rae." He leaned on his side of the counter. "And I'm Finn, since you're dying to know."
Rae laughed. Was this new barista flirting with her? She laughed again and turned to go.
Finn started filling a cup and watched her exit the shop.
"Rae," he whispered to himself.

As Rae waited to cross the street to get to campus she inspected her cup. Finn had written Mae on it this time. When Rae lifted it though, she found something written on the other side as well.

"There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart."

Rae was surprised. She knew it was from Jane Austen. She wondered if Archie had told Finn to write it. Rae never had quotes written on her cups before. She sipped thoughtfully and made her way to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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