Chapter Fourteen: Days In Color// Welcome To Hidden Treasures

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Chapter Fourteen: Days In Color// Welcome To Hidden Treasures

"Cecilia, lock the door behind you when you leave. Aaron will want to go outside too. "

I blew a strand of hair out of my face, sighing as I stood in the doorway. "Yeah Dad. I'll do that."

I looked over at my little brother playing with his blocks, his back to me. "Hey, Aaron."

He didn't turn.


"Hmm?" He turned around on the floor, clutching a block in his hands.

I dug into my pocket and pulled out a candy. "Oi, come here. It's for you."

"Where are you going?" He cocked his head to the side, coming towards me with his hand stretched out anyway.

"School. Boring stuff." I stuck out my tongue. "Bleh. You're so lucky you can play all day."

He smiled. "It's cause you're a big girl, Cecilia."

I nodded, ignoring my guilty conscience. "Yep. Hey, promise me you'll stay inside for dad."

"Yeah, yeah." He waved a dismissive hand at me, shaking his head. Must've learned that at daycare.

I smiled at him. "Good job, honey. Now go play. Bye!"

He waved, and ran back, candy wrapper floating to the floor behind him. I picked it up and stuck it back in my pocket before locking the door behind me.


"Hello, welcome to Hidden Treasures. May I help you?" I adjusted the cap on my head and looked up at the door to see who'd entered with the soft tingle of the bell.

No one.

I narrowed my eyes and glanced through the window.

"I didn't know you worked here."

I jumped, startled, before looking to my left. Lyon stood beside me, hands in his pockets as he gazed across the little store.

"Oi. Why don't I ever hear you coming until you've arrived?"

He smiled. "Because you don't pay attention."

"I do. Also, get back to the other side of the counter. You can't be on this side." I motioned to the other side of the desk.

He walked back around and stood in front of me, picking up a snow globe and inspecting it. "So you do work here."

I nodded. "Sometimes. I only fill in when Ms.Jenkins' daughter is sick."

"You don't look like the type to work in an antique store." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I like them. Plus, I gotta save money for college. Work is work, right?"

"True..." He rested his elbows on the counter. "So when does your shift end?"

I glanced at the clock behind me. "Another half hour."

He stayed quiet. "Okay."

I frowned. "Why?"

"No reason. I was just walking around town and found my way here."

My lip twitched. "That's what almost everyone who comes in says."

He stayed quiet, shaking the snow globe in his hands.

"Aye, I'm gonna need you to either buy that or move back a bit. Ms. Jenkins can't see me goofing around with a guest."

He chuckled. "Fine. How much?"

"A dollar ninety-five, including tax."

He slid out a fiver from his pocket and laid it on the desk. "Keep the change."

"This isn't a taxi, dimwit." I shook my head, counting out $3.05.

"Keep it." He waved at it.

"Don't do that." I frowned.

He raised his eyebrows. "What? Me helping a little old lady out with her store is offending you?"

I pursed my lips, tugging his hand from off the counter. I pressed the money back into it. "Trust me. She isn't a struggling little old lady. She doesn't need it. She keeps this place open for fun."
He glanced down at my hand and I quickly dropped the change and moved it back.

"Want ice-cream?"

"Huh?" I blinked up at him.

"I'll wait for you outside. Let me know when your shift is over."

I shook my head. "I can't. I gotta go straight home after this."

"Then when are you free?"

I thought about it. "...Not until after ten."

"At night?"


He nodded as he picked up the snow globe again. "Okay."

"Are you crazy? You can't wait for me 'till ten!" I gripped the countertop and leaned forward.

"Sure I can. I don't have any other friends here anyway. I'm bored, Cecilia." He pouted and looked down at me through his sunglasses.

"You're kidding me." I stared at him. "...Fine. I'll see what I can do."

He smiled. "I'll see you at the park at ten. Don't be late."

I bit my lip, watching him leave. 

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