The Cathedral

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Dragging my finger upon the rough, weather-hewn stone of the gargoyle, I gasped as it shimmered under my touch, a beautiful silver light. The night only illuminated it more. Somehow, I knew it wouldn't have shone as brightly if I had stroked it midday. The gargoyle was carved into the form of a large, fearsome lion, with a luscious stone mane and wings unfolded on it's back. It was located in the front of the cathedral. Street lights added a golden radiance, and it looked as if the skin of the lion was truly alive.

I stroked the gargoyle's head once again, but this time nothing happened and I was left with disappointment and disbelief, wondering if I had really just seen what I had saw. The cathedral was dark and empty, and not a single soul was in sight. I got a horrible feeling in my intestines. I was suddenly feeling sick.

Bowling over, I was leaning against the gargoyle's stone frame, clutching my body. It was so cold. Sweat ran down my body, my blonde hair sticking to my face. I began to feel woozy. I had no idea what was happening or why, but all I wanted in that moment was for this sickness to pass. No relief.

I felt like my inside's were ripping apart, so I screamed, and began to fall on my face, until something warm and strong wrapped around my frame. Instantly, the feeling of being torn apart left me and I was at peace. The arms I noticed were muscular, and were definitely belonged to a man. The odd thing I found about these arms was the skin had a gray undertone. It reminded me of a sick person just before they were about to die.

I had been in bliss, but as soon as the arms released me, I came back to my senses and whirled around, and stumbling backwards, wondering whoever had grabbed me had plans of assaulting me. To my surprise, I found no one there. No one. That's the part that scared me the most, because I knew I wasn't insane. I knew a man had grabbed me not even seconds ago.

Scared out of my mind, I ran into the cathedral. To my surprise, the door opened with ease. It wasn't locked? Strange. I had nowhere else to go. I had told my father I would be out and about, and probably rent myself a place to stay during the night. At the time I thought it would've been a great idea to stay out at night and take photo's for my senior project of the cathedral and gargoyles. I was never superstitious, but I've never been so scared in my life. Someone grabbed me.

I was never superstitious, and I lived within a good christian family. This incident in particular though made me quiver. I sat on one of the polished wood benches. Not knowing what else to do to calm myself, I began to pray. I prayed for sometime, until I was calmed down. The thought of the arms coming around me still lingered within my head, but I didn't want to think about it.

The inside of the cathedral was beautiful. The pictures didn't bring it justice. The architecture, the stained glass, it was truly a masterpiece. It was so big, I noted that as well. I suddenly felt how eerie it was in here, being alone. I hoped so, anywho. For fun I thought I'd just yell a loud "hello" so I could hear the echo of my own voice. This went on for sometime until I felt brave enough to venture back out and walk to the nearest hotel. Somehow I had convinced myself that whatever happened outside was just me hallucinating.

Standing from the bench I trotted down the red carpet. With a great heave, I pushed open the door. The nights cool fresh air graced me. I just realized how musty is was in the Cathedral, probably from years of dust that had collected upon the shelves and stone pillars. Although, didn't janitor's clean this place to keep it neat and preserved?

At the time, I had thought I'd go and touch the statue of the gargoyle once again just to make sure I hadn't been dreaming or hallucinating. I examined the statute furthermore. The lion's face sported a snarl, demanding attention, or maybe to frighten off whoever laid eyes upon it.

It truly was impressive. Whoever had carved the stone was a true artist. The gargoyle was at least as big as a large garden statue. I stroked it's stone mane, and nothing had happened. Just as I expected.

I had an uneasy feeling again, and in the corner of my eye I saw something move, so I quickly looked and saw nobody there. Quickly, I clutched my camera and snapped a photo of the lion's head before retreating to catch a cab to the nearest hotel.


really love this story, I have such a good idea to make it into a book. Please give feedback on my writing!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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