Sewers - Chapter 13

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Harry panted as he raced along the slippery concrete ground.

I'm crazy. I must be crazy. I'm gonna die. What the hell am I doing?

Thief, wielding her sword, sprinted confidently beside Harry, her breathing regular and measured. She was obviously very used to running.

Harry, however, was breathing with short, sharp gasps that burned in his throat and lungs.

'How much father?' he wheezed, stopping and trying to regain some breath. Thief slowed, solemn and focused.

'Through there.' She pointed at a gaping black passage. 'Not far.'

Harry could have sworn he saw a shadow dance across the moss-covered walls and he had to swallow to get his heart back to where it should be. 

'L-let's go,' he stammered, jogging along, desperate to get this over and done with. Thief grabbed his shoulder. 

'Slow,' She warned, and she took the lead, looking around curiously. Harry followed submissively. A dull roaring came from deeper within the tunnel and Harry gulped. Water reflections danced across the walls and Harry looked the source of light. He noticed this area was familiar - and it struck him as being the place where he had first entered the drain. He considered abandoning the mission and going home, but Thief must have read his thoughts because she dragged him along once he slowed. Harry was getting increasingly scared as he walked along.

There was a strange grinding noise and he almost shrieked. Thief's sword sliced the air with a faint  whistling noise as she wrenched it out of its scabbard.

'Monster,' she said through gritted teeth. The grinding stopped and Thief slowly advanced. 

Oh god oh god oh god oh god.

Harry gulped and tried to calm himself down by breathing in deeply through his nostrils. He coughed and gagged on the rancid stench of sewage.

Harry could have sworn he heard giggling.

Thief screamed.

Not her normal war scream.

Cold, blood-curdling and terrifying.

And when Harry looked, she was gone.

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