Meeting the Winchesters and a few friends of they'res

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*on Asgard, the Elemental Kingdom with your uncles your just a baby*

Hades - sweetie your parents won't be coming back we're sorry.

Zeus - Hades you can't just tell Ela our only niece that she's just a baby she doesn't know yet.

*48,000,000 years later your turning 49,000,000 years old the next day but right now your practicing your skills and to control you're powers with your trident and sword Angurvadal (sword) and Angurvadol (trident) your parents made before to were born even though you don't remember them at all and you don't know what they look like*

Hades -what do you want for your 49,000,000th birthday tomorrow Ela?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - Uncle Hades I have a question.

Hades - yes Ela?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - what is a human?

Hades - humans are species with no powers like us and can't stay alive and get hurt and has vehicles like cars, buses, trains, planes, boats, motorcycles also has different talents like singing, dancing, acting, filming, photography, magic also they own buildings like stores, houses, schools, offices things like that.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - oh well I wanna have what humans call it a spa day.

Zeus - we have a spa salon here in the castle.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - I know Uncle Zeus I know but that's only for you guys I never get to have a relaxation day I always have to save my kingdom.

Hades - anything else you wanna do tomorrow?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - to go to Earth I know humans and Greek child Gods/Goddesses don't do awesome together but what happens if there is people like us but with different powers and personalities?

Zeus - well we can make arrangements after the spa day tomorrow morning.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - yay thank you so much Uncle Zeus and Uncle Hades love you two my only two uncles.

*the next day its your 49,000,000th day of birth you wake up with a messy black hair with morning stuff so you go wash your face, do your business, brush your hair, go down and easy breakfast, go back up brush your teeth, get dressed, pack up your belongings for your journey and adventure on Earth and other morning routines you do every morning and after finishing the spa day humans calls it*

Hades - Ela sweetie are you done?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - almost just packing up everything I own.

*you finish packing up the last items you have in your suitcase*

Zeus - now are you done?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - yes I am Uncle Zeus.

*you come out of your room and say after your uncle Hades says this*

Hades - your all grown up to be an adult we are so proud of you Ela promise us you'll visit us when you can.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - I know Uncle Hades well this is it I promise I will visit you guys when I can well see you later as the humans calls it.

Zeus - bye we'll miss you Ela and we love you Ela now be careful and safe and save lots of humans and one day you'll fall in love with one who is your soulmate I promise now go before the Elemental Destroyer comes and finds you and hurt you.

*at the Bifrost*

Heimdall - my lady how are you I heard the Elemental Destroyer is on his way where to so I can open the Bifrost?

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