Explaining your enemy and why your hiding

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Castiel - why are you hiding Ela?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - you guys really wanna know as to why I am hiding do you?

Dean Winchester - yes tell us.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - ok I am hiding because of my enemy he's what you humans call it is in love with me but I don't love him back and wants my throne so he's after me to kill me and hurt me and you if you guys get in his way to kill me.

Gabriel - so your enemy is trying to kill you and your running away.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - yep.

Dean Winchester - we'll protect you its our job.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - hahahaha no your not protecting me I am protecting you guys he won't find me if I don't use my powers but if I do use my powers he'll find me but if you wanna see what I can do there is something I need to tell you guys and warn you guys about.

Balthazar - so what are your powers?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - the elements, weather, metal, snow/ice, wings that change to different colors depending on what my mood, feelings and emotions are, telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, teleporting, healing incredible fast, heightened senses, metal claws that comes out of my knuckles, good magic, and I believe mind messaging link.

Castiel - what do you wanna tell is and warn us about Ela.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - if I use my powers it mentally and physically drains me and if I am in a ice cocoon in a coma it means I am probably healing or discovering/unlocking new powers.

Dean Winchester - so your saying that if you use your powers your enemy will find you and kill you and also if you use your powers you'll be mentally and physically drained and if your in a ice cocoon in a coma it means your probably healing or unlocking/discovering new powers.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - yep and also I am an orphan.

Balthazar - ok your an orphan why?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - both of my parents are dead so I am technically an orphan I have two uncles Hades God of Death aka King of the Underworld and Zeus God of Storms aka King of Olympus.

Dean Winchester - when did your parents die and how did they die?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - they died when I was born and they were in battle with our enemy along with our soldiers or army you humans call it when they were near the end of the battle my enemy stabbed them in they're hearts but they didn't die yet my father threw his trident at our enemy so that he was pinned  to the wall and then my mother threw her sword at him to which cut off his head and killed him instantly so after the battle or war or fight both of my parents collapsed and then died instantly with my mother telling a soldier to tell me and my two uncles that only them both love us as a family like the saying goes 'ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind' and also 'once you love someone or something you set it free but if its meant to be it will come back to you'.

Sam Winchester - do you miss your parents?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - I never knew them my uncles takes care of me, protects me, trains me to control my powers and save humans and fight and to defend myself and to survive but yes I do miss my parents.

Dean Winchester - so you don't know since your not from here what it's like to have parents?

Princess Elementa 'Ela ' Trident Star - no I was never taught also I don't know anything about humans and Earth itself and your cultures.

Gabriel - ok.

Castiel - who is your enemy Ela?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - the Elemental Destroyer he kills us Elementalists that has the same powers as our ancestors aka parents I am the 6th generation of my people is my great great great grandparents, my great great grandparents, my great grandparents, my grandparents, my parents then me.

Dean Winchester - so there's 6 of your people.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - yep anyway I am supposed to be crowned queen next month but I have a few problems.

Sam Winchester - what are they?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - if I am crowned queen I need a king to help me with teaching me to fall in love and experience it and how to love and help me rule my kingdom and if I invite you guys to my kingdom to meet my two uncles promise me you guys won't do anything stupid and I also have to go to battle it fight or war as you humans calls it with my enemy.

Dean Winchester - Ela will you go you know on a date with me tomorrow for dinner?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - of course Dean and you can teach me you know everything you know about love.

Dean Winchester - awesome anyway I am going to get some food for dinner anyone want anything.

Sam Winchester - salad.

Castiel - burger and fries.

Gabriel - candy.

Balthazar - Gabriel you always have candy anyway just get me a burger and fries.

Lucifer - chicken nuggets and fries.

Dean Winchester - ok what about you Ela?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - I am not hungry.

Sam Winchester - what?

Castiel - what?

Dean Winchester - what?

Gabriel - what?

Balthazar - what?

Lucifer - what?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - I am not hungry I don't eat food I never even had food before.

Dean Winchester - your getting food in your system for energy and can't go anywhere with an empty stomach.

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - actually I can I live without food.

Dean Winchester - come on you need to eat why don't you eat human food?

Princess Elementa 'Ela' Trident Star - I am an child of a Greek God and Goddess and a princess is gods and goddesses don't need food.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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