Chapter 1: Finding my Way

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"Welcome to the Organization, Number XV"

Those were the words I heard when I was pushed into a big room. My eyes were closed shut, I was terrified.

"We have already met young one, but would you like to state your name to everyone here"

I opened my eyes and I looked up. Everyone there was wearing the same coat I was, they were all perched up so high but in differing heights.

"My n-name is Zexyn" Was all I could get out of my mouth.

Nothing else interesting really happened in the big room, all I could remember was something about Kingdom Hearts and what it was about. I was also introduced to to all of the other members in the Organization.

I was ushered into my room by a big, hulking figure, by what I recalled in the meeting, his name is Lexeaus, Number V.

"Here is your room Zexyn, If you need anything ask Saïx for it"

"The one with the blue hair?"


After an awkward silence, he left and I was left alone in my room. Finally a time where I can gather thoughts of why I'm here.

But before too long, I heard a loud banging knock on my door. I opened it to see a figure with bright Red Hair.
It was Axel.

"We are told by Master Xemnas to keep a Journal of everything that happens. Don't ask why because I don't know... got it memorised"?

I nodded, I was frightened of Axel, maybe just because he was an Assasin just like I am, I don't know.

He threw down a Journal book on the top of my desk. But before I could've picked it up he was gone, just like that.
 I guessed that this was a good time to write out my thoughts, in a Journal. My first entry was a nice and quick one

"I guess im getting treated as what a normal nobody does, but what is a nobody. What makes us different to normal people. Anyways, I think I'll just get comfortable so I'll stay in my room tonight and meet the rest of my comrades when I wake up tomorrow"

I held to the truth so I just stayed in my room, without anybody disturbing me.

What a first day it was. What's in store for me in the future? What would my role be as a member here in the Organization? What is my purpose here?

A few more thoughts were drawn into my head. But due to this over thinking I was tired so I sunk my head and dozed off onto the pillow. I was off into Dreamland.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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