Chapter 1

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A/N : Just before I start, they boys aren't famous. They are just bestfriends :) The date in the fanfic starts 31/12/13 when her neighbour leaves. She meets Josh on the 1/1/14

Lol. Let's go:)

Marley's pov:

I swiftly moved my hand to my cheeky wiping a tear from my red and puffy eyes, I tilted my head watching the car drive into the distance.

"Well that was emotional" I said to myself before turning back into my London townhouse.

So here I am, neighbourless. Mr collins was my favourite neighbour, he was always happy and baking and making sure I was okay. My reply would always be "Don't worry about me Mr Collins, I'm 22 now" Mr Collins decided he was too old for his town house so instead he sold it too someone else. So for now I was neighbourless again. After an emotional day I decided it would be best to just go to sleep.

Next day:

I walked slowly into my kitchen, tripping over as much air as I could of course, making my way to the fridge. I decided to make myself some breakfast seeing as though it was already 11:30 am and was 1st January so it was a new year and university was done. My dad wasn't hiring me to coach at the GYM until March so until then I had lots of free time. 2 full months to be exact!!!

"FREE AT LAST" I shouted. After making myself a whole lot of breakfast I decided to go in the garden and take a dip in the pool I had recently put up. I grabbed a towel and got my bikini on and made my way into the garden setting myself down on a deck chair I began to think about how cool it would be to have some new neighbours who I could make friends with, I have never been a socialising type of girl, I'm quite the geek. I stay in, study, read and I play sports frequently. But I'm not the typical person, instead of clubbing I go to football matched, instead of shopping I order online and save money so sometimes things would get lonely... But hey I was saving a hell of a lot of money. Money which I can save up to take over my dad's gym when he retires.

So here I am, sitting in my London garden, listening to my favourite songs on repeat when I hear the faint sound of my doorbell. I wrap my bare body with my towel and made my way to the door. As I opened it, an attractive boy with the most beautiful eyes stood there, quite gobsmacked.

"Um hey" I said shyly.

"Sorry about this, I'm... I've just moved in next door and I kinda noticed you in your garden alone and I was just coming to say hey" he replied, smiling flirtatiously. "Oh my god. That sounded so wrong, I guess I'm new to the place and I wanted to make some friends"

"So you're my new neighbour. Hey I'm Marley. Want to come inside? As long as you aren't like a murderer or anything" I asked, giggling at my own joke. But I was kind of serious. Was I being stupid? I had only just met him and I already asked him to come inside. Okay calm down Marley.

"Yeah sure, I'm Josh by the way" he replied smiling widely.

I ushered him in and closed the door behind him, then walked into the kitchen.

"Want a drink?" I asked him, pointing at the fridge. "Take anything" I added.

"Thankyou Marley" he said, smiling.

"So what made you move here" I questioned, making conversation.

"Well me and my friends thought it would be cool to live together, so now the four of us do" he said. " You should meet them one day" he added.

"That would be great" I replied.

Me and Josh spoke for hours on end about nothing in particular, about each other, our families, our hopes and dreams and we got on really well. The sky outside was getting darker as we sat there laughing at the most random things.

Josh waved his hand in front of my face, smiling happily.

"Um sorry what?" I said giggling with embarrassment.

"I was just saying how I don't want to rush into anything but i'd like to see you again" He said hiding behind his hoodie.

"I'd like to see you again too Josh" I replied getting up and stealing the jumper from his face. "Catch me if you can" I shouted running into the living room.

Josh's pov:

I ran as quickly as I could chasing her into her living room. Being a fast runner meant I caught up with her quick, as I grabbed her arm to catch her we both fell full force onto her sofa. Her breathe tickled my neck. I looked down into her deep blue eyes.

"You're beautiful Marley" I said blushing slightly.

Her cheeks turned a crimson red as she leaned in closer, her plump pink lips collided with mine. Butterflies attacked my stomach as we pulled away. We stayed in the same position for a minute until she whispered "I'm sorry Josh. Maybe that was too soon"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked. Wanting to find a way to see her again.

"That would be perfect" she replied.

As I left Marley's home and walked 5 seconds to mine I realised that this was the perfect start to the year. I do believe in love at first sight but I want to take time to get to know Marley, rushing isn't the answer. I opened the door to my bedroom and I stripped into my boxers before climbing into bed and shutting off for tonight.

I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. "Who the hell could this be" I said to myself. Can't be the boys, they aren't due for a few days. It couldn't be many people, literally. I know we lived in London, but it was a particularly quiet part. I rushed downstairs and opened up the front door to the tear stained face of Marley. Who was hobbling on one foot. Her face was pale and drained. Before asking any questions I picked her up bridal style and walked into the house placing her on the sofa.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"I fell down the stairs, you we're the closest person to help and well I knew you'd help me" she replied squinting at the pain. After grabbing some clothes, I picked her up again only this time to my car to the hospital. The car drive was around 40 minutes so I picked us up some food to eat on the way.

"Josh I am so sorry for ruining your morning" Marley said sadly.

I placed one of my hands over hers.

"Look Marley, it's honestly fine. Once we've been to the hospital and sorted your leg out we can go back to my place, I enjoy spending time with you" I replied.

She smiled, blowing me a kiss.

I had only met her yesterday and it sounds strange. I really like her and I hope the more time I spend with her, the better it will be.

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