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I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors please 😁

Faheema's pov

This news seriously give me a nasty shock,that's very unpleasant, but Allah is with her he loves him more than she does.....I heard mamy(my mother) saying it from the small living room.

Mamy what are you talking about??? I asked heading to her..

My dear it's nothing, nafisa's daughter gave birth to her child yesterday and he passed away immediately....she replied with a sad or angry face I can't tell...

Allah Sarki...may his soul rest in peace...mamy I gotta go i have lectures now..ehmmm sorry where is hanan, Chop-chop (Suad) and Khadija???

They went out but I'm expecting them now....she replied with a soft smile on her lips.
Khadija is 2 years older than me, hanan is my immediate sister I'm 2 years older than her while chop chop(Suad) is our last born...

Faheema baby!!!!!
Woa....hanan you're stupid I guess,you scared me...

Lol...I'm not stupid I guess u must b......

C'mon I'll punch your face I interrupted....don't try to insult me this early morning..

Ohk pretty sis 'girman ki ne' she teases and laugh...

Better!!!uhm were hav u guys been?? I was just asking about you...

Zuly called me.... Chop chop answered

To do what???
She made some danwake today and......
Of course you like it,I interrupted...When will you stop eating food all the time Suad for goodness sake ? It isn't good for your health,at least eat 3 times every day not 10 times please.... I pleaded....

Ohk sis....she says with a playfully smile on her lips....

You look great today...Khadija said ...
Thank you sweetheart....I replied and pull them into a thigh hug and walk pass them.......

The moment I arrived at school, it is so crowded..urghh..... I hate crowded place.minatu  and medoos are sitting under a tree of course taking pictures as usual.

My princess....a dreadful voice pops into my head...of course it's kamal.

Subhanallah,ko sallama babu....I said staring at him with an angry face I fell like slapping him..

I'm sorry I just wanted to check on you how you are ?? He said,he lower his voice and his eyes facing down..

I'm ohk, thank you...I said, a little bit faster that I've intended..
I walked pass him standing there like a new made sculpture..
Lol that's silly ....he always disturb me, he never get tired of taking to me is it by force I don't like him at all but he always get the chance to ruin my day because seeing his face and hearing his voice Along can ruin my day of course.......

Abaya girl....meedos said with a smile
That's what they call me sometimes because mostly 80% of my clothes are Abaya....woa it's cool I love wearing it..you don't need to stress your self,I just need vail that's all...

Yoooo meedos, minatu how are you doing????
We are Doing great of course..they both reaply at the same time ... I can't help but laugh seeing how they reapply at the same time...

I'm coming home,I'm coming home,tell the world that I'm coming home•
My phone is ringing...... I deep my hand into my bag and bring it out. Yeahhhhh it's mahmud...I yanked ahead of my voice,they both smile,
Love birds......minatu said and I smiled
I cleared my throat before I pick up the phone...

M hello
A hey..how u???
M I'm great.....ehmm...I really need to see you today if possible...
A ohhhk that's alright I'll call when I'm done with my lectures...
M around what time???
A maybe 4 or 4:30 in the noon
M ohk...bye
He hanged up the phone and I sigh,why did he want to see me ?is it very important? Huh I'm not comfortable with going on a date with him,though I love him....

Soooo....what's going to happen around 4 o'clock today?meedos speck,she bring me back from my thoughts....

Ehmm nothing really...he just want to see me He missed me I guess ...I tease her

Ohh really she laugh....
Ohhh,I really love this amazing friends of mine,we've been together since primary school,they always help me solve my difficult problems and we always help one another, they are like sisters to me...woa I love them....

Felling pleased with the way the lectures has just gone,it was very awesome and we all enjoy it....
Erghhhh....it's already 3:30,I have to go home and get my self dressed before 4 o'clock...

Assalamu alaikum....I said in a loud voice...
Waalaikumussalam... Faheema  well come,my mother says from the kitchen...I guess she's preparing dinner ......

I head straight to the kitchen and gave mamy a soft kiss on her forehead and took a slice of sandwich and ran upstairs to my room.....

I kick of my off shoes took a warm bath...it's already 4:00, I dressed in my black abaya of course, roll my pink vail,do a smoky eyes as usual and apply a light pink on my lips I rub up white powder because I have a light skin.....

A hello
M hey
A where are you meeting???I'm ready for tonight
M I'm already in GEEZ BAZE waiting for you
A my heart drops,this place is meant for prostitute and unwanted people in the society.i sight...
Ohk,I'm coming be expecting me in 10 minutes...

I hanged up the phone and lead down stairs straight to the kitchen...
I took another sandwich on the kitchen counter.....
'Ehmehmehm' mamy cleared her voice, I know she did it intentionally,she needs my attention I guess,i turn over to look at her standing near the sink...

Uhm mamy I'm going out,I said it nervously my eyes looking down.I'm not sure if she's going to allow me.

To where??? she ask with a very silly voice..
I almost laugh but I hid it burying my face in my hand...
I sigh...actually mamy ehmm...ehmmm..mah...mahmud wants to see me but I promise to be back as soon as possible.....

Ohehooo 'an girma' she smile, where are you two going???

I don't really want to tell her the place because she won't like it at all she may even stop me from going..I have to lie...urghhhh,I sight.....
Uhmm it's pizza hot..I said opening the fridge and grab a bottle water.
Pizza hot is not far away from my house that's why I choose to say that....

Ohk ...she smile, but be back soon please,she pleaded
Sure mamy....I said walking out of the kitchen......

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