There's A Party Round The Corner...

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Finally, Charlie, Jody and Danni had a look at their invitations.

“I can’t believe it-the party’s tomorrow! That’s cruel!” realized Danielle.

“I know. But I don’t know why they didn’t give us the invitations earlier.”

Danielle and Derek shared an understanding look.

‘Hey, don’t take Derek too!’ seethed Jody internally, ‘but at least I’m in the dark with Charlie!’

“Aaah. I get it,” Charlie lied well. How could he look stupid in front of Danielle, first in class? He’d tried hard to get to fourth, was it good enough to erase her doubt of his abilities?

‘Aargh! Everyone knows BUT me. But no way am I going to ask Danni-or make myself look stupid by asking Charlie. Derek? He won’t tell me. I can tell. Noooo…’ thought Jody, upset at the ‘turn’ of events.

The bell rang again-for 2nd break this time.

Everyone exited the class.

“Do you think we’re allowed to leave this time?” wondered Danielle.

“Who cares? Let’s stay,” Vuyo replied, thinking of his stolen kiss.

“I don’t think Mr Kring would keep you guys in twice. By yourselves. But, Vuyo, you can go and I’ll wait with Danni to see,” Charlie guessed.

“No, no. it’s OUR punishment. Danni and I will just sit it out, I guess,” Vuyo shook his head.

“No, no-,”

“No! Charlie-we’re going,” Danielle took action; “you can wait if you want, Vuyo.”

She couldn’t take the feud going on between them, especially as she wasn’t sure what it was about.

“Hi, Latoya,” greeted Danielle once they were outside. Latoya’s eyes zeroed in on Danielle and Charlie’s holding hands. She gave a small smile and raised her eyebrows. “Bye, Charlie.” Danielle let go of his hand and hooked arms with Latoya.

“I’m so sorry to take you away from your love, Danni!”

“Shut up. He’s awfully dishy, though? Derek and Jodes were teasing me about who I liked-Vuyo or Charlie. Vuyo was sent to our class in disgrace in the hope that our good manners would rub off on him. As if. And, then, I got invited to a QB party. That’s tomorrow. They did it on purpose, inviting me late, and I know why! Haters!”

“Me too!”

‘Latoya was invited? What the…?’ Danielle thought, confused.

“Where did Vuyo sit in your class?”

“In front of Charlie-so I had a trés good view of his profile.”

Latoya appeared to purse her lips. Weird.

“Oh,” she concluded shortly. “Did you talk with him?”

“Loads,” bragged Danielle unintentionally, “he said he wanted to kiss me, but then Charlie moved the desk he was sitting on, throwing Vuyo to the floor. It was mega-funny. Hey, do you think Charlie was jealous? Not that I care!” lied Danielle.

“That wasn’t very nice.”

“‘That wasn’t very nice’?” repeated Danielle, incredulous, “seriously, though, Latoya! Come on, we need to find Jody, Sienna and Rochelle. Jody and Si left the classroom fast. Why aren’t you with Rocky?”

“Bathroom,” replied Latoya in a dull tone.

2nd break was awesome as the teachers had a meeting and it was extended for quite a bit. Danielle was feeling rather bored at first. Then she had an idea.

“Let’s play There’s a Party Round the Corner!” she suggested.

“No, way. That game’s for li’l girls and it will be embarrassing,” decided Jody.

“Latoya? Rochelle? Paula?” Danielle called on everyone else, most of who agreed. Jody was seething. Which side were they on? Once they started playing, nearly everyone joined in. then, the QB realized that they were getting more attention than them. When the boys joined, they decided to intervene and start their own game.

A few winners of each were to compete. Soon, both groups were down to three players. Group One (excluding the QB) was called the Extra Ordinary and the other group (Group Two: including the QB) was called The Winners. How ironic.

Extra Ordinary was now down to: Danielle; Tamzin (she point-blank refused to be on the same team as the QB. Ever since she left, there’s been a sort of fight between them); Latoya and  Charlie.

The Winners was now down to: Sahara; Denzel; Tamara and Vuyo.

Danielle, the unsaid leader, stood up and talked to Sahara, their chosen leader.

“How about my last four verses yours?” she bantered playfully.

“Cool,” smiled Sahara. 

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