Chapter Nine: Steve's home

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Bruce's POV

As soon as fifteen year old Bruce Banner awoke from his empty sleep, he realized he was not, in fact in his own bed. He was in a bed that looked like it had tiny green men, a red and yellow robo-man, and a lady in black with red hair. This was obviously Natasha, the rest of them he didn't know.

As soon as he found some clothes that fit him (a shirt with a giant A on it) he went to the kitchen. Tony was in there burning what looked like pancakes as Natasha was already at the table sipping on some hot tea. She raised her eyes at Bruce when he sat down at the table and then gave him a smile which he returned.

"We have someone new at the tower today, you'll like him his name is Steve," Natasha started. Bruce just nodded and blushed at having Natasha speak to him. Bruce didn't say much at all during the whole breakfast.

When Steve came out of bed and arrived at the kitchen at about 11a.m. and Bruce dropped his drink at the sight of him. Bruce quickly tried to clean up the mess when "Steve" started to speak. "So you're Bruce right?" asked the man even though he knew the answer. Bruce started to babble in response, but finally answered with a "Yes sir, are you um... Captain America? I know your most likely not but-" Steve cut him off and asked Bruce if he'd like to take a walk around the park which Bruce accepted.

The weather was nice at the park, bright and little bit of wind. Steve started off by telling Bruce the whole story about his journey of becoming Captain America, he thought Bruce was going to pass out from excitement. He told Steve all about how he was his hero and how his dad tried to burn his Captain America comics but how he hid the comics so he couldn't find them.

The longer Steve talked to him the better Bruce felt about everything, After what just felt like just a few minutes of talking Steve checked hi watch and said it was already 3 and they hadn't ate lunch yet. They ate at a taco truck and talked until the sunset and they got Happy to take them home.

"What are your, Tony,and Natasha's jobs?" asked Bruce on the ride to the tower. "They probably wouldn't want me to tell you, but I think you deserve to know...we are a group of crime fighting superheros called the Avengers," replied Steve. Normally Bruce would think he was lying, but Cap was a hero so maybe it was true, he pondered this for a while.

When they got home (yes he decided the tower was his true home) Bruce hugged Tony, quickly kissed Natasha on her cheek before he lost his nerve, and said goodbye to Steve as he headed for bed. He had a lot to think about from who was the big green man on his bed to why a group of superheros get to keep him for a day every once and a while. He fell into a dreamless sleep.

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