Crossing the line

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This chapter is not exactly g rated its more like pg 15. unless your really mature then don't read.

You have been warned

Liam's POV

I'm so glad Harry took Niall out of the room.

I looked at Zayn and he gave me the 'just get it over with' look.

I had stopped it because I saw Louis chained to a wall and another man had his hand on Louis' bum.

I knew immediately what was going to follow. There sadly was no forward button. I could only hit play and pause.

Me and Zayn looked at each other and we braced ourselves for what was coming up next.

"Just tell us where your friends are and we can stop all of this."

"Never!! I'd die to keep my friends safe."

We watched in silence listening to the terrible screams from my best friend.

"What?! W-What are you doing!?!?! S-S-Stop that!!!!! sto-oahhh!! stop!!!! what the heck is wrong with you!!!!"

Him being helpless and we can't do anything!!?

"You put this on yourself....ha ha ha ha!!!! ha!! ha!!"

"What are you doing?!?! get off of me!?!? stop it!!!!! Don't touch me!!! What are you doing?!?"

I couldn't believe what was going on!! how could someone do this!?!?

"Stop squirming!! I give punishment for boys who are naughty."


It was a whisper of panic and terror. he understood what was going on then. I had tears streaming down my face.

"No... No!!.. No!!!!! NO!!!! NOO!!!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!! NO PLEASE!!!!"

My mouth fell open in horror and I had to turn away as a horribly pained scream came from the laptop.

I didn't dare look. I couldn't. The scream kept going and going. It didn't stop!!

I cried and I wanted to scream myself when I found that I was in a strong embrace.

Zayn was trying to comfort me while looking away. There was no way we could possibly watch that.

I said "T-Tell me when it's over!!!!" Zayn nodded and he watched horrified.

he had tears in his eyes. when the horrid scream finally stopped Zayn said "Liam... its over. I stopped it..."

I looked at Zayn and I whispered "Those monsters..." Zayn nodded "I know Liam... I know."

Zayn said "You know we'll have to tell the others..... you know that right?"

Before I could reply I heard a voice "Tell me what?"

I looked at the door to see Harry with a concerned face and his arms crossed leaning against the frame.

I shook my head at him and he seem to understand. His face paled and he asked me "What happen to him!!"

Zayn looked down and I just cried. Harry said "What happened!!!" Zayn said "H-Harry wait.... l-let me explain!"

Harry stormed over and grabbed the laptop whirling it around so the monitor faced him.

His face paled even more and his jaw dropped as he put a hand over his mouth.

Horror instantly flooded his eyes.

Oh my gosh Louis!!! what are they doing to you?!?!?

I heard Harry say in his mind. I said "H-Harry-"

He slammed his fist on the bed earning a giant crunch and he growled "THEY TOOK IT TOO FAR!!!! NOW THEY ARE GOING TO REGRET EVER MESSING WITH US!!!!"

Zayn said "Harry calm down!!!" Harry roared "WHO'S GOING TO STOP ME!!!!! THIS IS CROSSING THE LINE!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!"

I blinked at Harry mainly because he was quite scary when he's angry. He yelled "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!!!! IM GOING TO GET HIM WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!"

Another voice said "Alright. if your going I'm coming with you."

We all turned to see Niall with a stone face. He had no emotion on his face. He had seen the picture of Louis!!

Harry's anger immediately left him and he said "No Niall. It's my fault he's there in the first place. I'm going alone."

Niall snapped "Not on your life Curly fry. I'm going with you weather you give a crap or not!!"

Harry blinked and I interrupted "Well if there's no stopping you two then I guess we'll have to join you."

Zayn nodded "Remember we're a team and teams never leave a member behind. we're in this together."

Harry seemed to hesitate but he sighed and said "Fine. But where will we find him?"

I said "I'm already a step ahead. in the video it showed obvious signs of a were house."

Harry said "Well that could be anywhere!?"

Zayn shook his head "Jason's accent and that man's accent sound similar to Louis' so it's obvious their from Doncaster. "

I smiled "So get ready boys. we're going to find Louis."

Harry and Niall cheered and we got ready. I thought to myself they crossed the line this time..... And they were going to pay.

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