Chapter 8

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Sorry I haven't been active I'm kinda not allowed to have this app but I'm updating cause I love writing and I love y'all so here's the chapter and don't worry I'm here to Stay! And so sorry this is really short but I've been busy but it's summer so it should be easier!!


Sam's P.O.V

Beep beep beep!

Ugh stupid alarm wait I don't have an alarm.....what's going on?

Why can't I wake up?! I just want the beeping to go away. Wake up! Wake up!! I'm up!!! Wait, Jacks? Why's he here? Oh, wait, now I know. Hehe, maybe I got hit on the head a little too hard.

"Jacks, make the beeping stop," I demand in a whinny voice while groaning because it's giving me a headache. He just chuckles and says,

"Sorry but I can't. It's the heart monitor."

"Well then, sir, turn it off!" I grumble.

"Like I said, Samantha, I can't do that," he smirks.

"Why do you call me Samantha? I mean seriously?" I ask but still not liking the beeping because it reminds me of a bomb. It's not like I've near one before.... Hehe.

"Um... because that's your name?" he states in the form of a question.

"I guess, but you call me Sam or Sammy. I mean I don't care that much, but it's weird to hear my full name honestly." I tell him truthfully because, technical, I haven't heard it since my parents and aunt died.

"You know what? I think little rogue works better," he states smugly and proudly. Maybe too proudly. I glare at him for a moment, then I have a question.

"When can I leave?" I ask looking up at him with a pouty face.

"Not anytime soon." he deadpans.

"But why," I ask, dragging out the 'y' and making a pouty face. He just looks away trying not to fall into my cute little trap. And he finally answers.

"3 reasons, Little Rogue: 1. your not healing 2. There's a gaping hole in your stomach and finally 3. I'm not allowed to move you." That's not the answer I wanted.

I wanted the 'oh, sure, we can leave now.' But what do I get? I, and only I, get the 'nope, sorry, you have to stay in this hell hole until you are completely healed.' I glared at nothing. "Pleaseeee?" I ask, making a puppy face. Wait a minute, how ironic, I'm a wolf that acts like a puppy and I'm making a puppy face. Heh, make myself laugh.

'And you make only yourself laugh,' Lila comes in making my whole life miserable. 'I do not make you life miserable, i make it interesting.' I roll my eyes.

'Yea, if you mean getting attacked and almost dying, then yes, you make my life a whole lot more interesting,' I retort. She doesn't respond.

I finally look around to find that Jacks left, and Joey came in. She doesn't say anything, but that might be because she's glaring at me. Hmmmm might be it.

"You idiot! Why are you so stupid! Why couldn't you come back in the car when you noticed that the tires were shot!" she scolds me. But some one saves me and that's persons name is, well luck me, Jackass! I smile as soon as he comes in. (Please Note the heavy sarcasm). Wait a minute, he's not going to save me! He's gonna get me killed!

I give him a heated glare. "I hate you, Jackass," I say, a dark look replacing the glare. The reason? He brought the one and only Doctor into the room, and this time it's not Lindsey! It's some random dude doctor! Why! I want Lindsey I actually trust her not this random dude that's gonna poke me with fricken needles!

"What?" he asks in an innocent voice that is no where near innocent with that little stupid smirk on his face. I my look darkens when he stays out of my reach. Smart, dude, smart. Well played.

"Um, hi I'm doctor David." he say in an kind voice and a smile on his face, but I still don't trust him. "And I'm the beta's brother." That's why I sensed authority in a doctor.I just nod and Joey gets an idea to say something.

"You as so much as poke her, I will kill you slowly," she growls out and leaves. I start laughing, it hurts but it's really funny. He's as pale as a ghost!

Jackass just looks worried and David tries to find a way to stop me from laughing and moving. By the end of this their solution was to tie me to the bed. "And let me tell ya'll, I will murder y'all when I get out of bed," I tell them with a growl. Joey won't be happy with them. They untie me, seeming to think of Joey's warning.

"And if you get up there will be a punishment," Jacks threatens. I just smirk at him. I mean, of course he would say that he's, as his name suggests, a jackass.

"Really? That's not at all what I got from Joey's warning to the two of you." I stare them down, my smirk widening. "Joey keeps her warnings like an oath." I grin as I think back to the time she got fired from IHOP for punching a costumer who was flirting with me. This costumer might have slapped my ass, which ended with him having a nice big black eye and a swollen face. She was sent to the county jail for a night before her parents bailed her out.

Oh the good times we shared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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