Chapter one - Packing

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Hiya and welcome! This is my first story on Wattpad. Please take care of me. I got inspired by writers here on Wattpad and thought why not start writing my own story. It's not edited so there are mistakes. Enjoy!


"Honey, don't forget to pack the sunscreen!"

"No mum, I have packed it already!"

This was not the first or even the fifth time that she had reminded me to pack the sunscreen. Sometimes I wonder if she repeats things because she thinks I won't remember them or just because she is not getting any younger. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to know somebody cares but I dislike hearing the same thing over and over again.

There are two suitcases on the floor, one handluggage and a bigger suitcase. The smaller of the two is already packed and zipped while the content of the other one is all over the bedroom floor. There are bikinis, shorts and suprisingly some sports trousers laying near the open suitcase.

The packing is obviously not going very well and I don't have a lot of time. The plane departs tomorrow morning. I'm not a morning person and I usually don't sleep very well before a departure which means my sleep schedule is on pause for now.

My thoughts should only be one the suitcase in front of me on the floor but instead they are drifting to the upcoming reunion, for a lack of a better word to use to describe it.
The reunion consists of a vacation with four other people whom I have not seen in years.

I do not know what to call them at this point. I cannot call them friends because that indicates you keep in contact regulary and know what is happening in their lives and acquaintances are people you occasionally small talk and perhaps gossip with about mundane things.

Social media is such a life saver these days. I prefer Instagram because I like photography and because on it you don't have to speak too much.

These four people are something inbetween friends and acquaintances. They all have four very different personalities. They are unique and some mean more to me than others.

I like to call them by my own little titles which I have come up with for them. Only I know about the titles and I only use them in my mind.

There is the classic business woman who has everything you could ever wish for, the loud mouthed cat lady, the traveler who seems to never sit still and then there is the Mr. Know it all.

All titles fit them perfectly and they do not even know them. It is such a shame but more fun for me.

"Are you done with the packing yet?"

"No mum, I'm just doin' one last check before I close my suitcase!" Or more like folding everything to fit inside the bloody suitcase. I am not planning to buy a lot on this vacation after all.

The reunion is going to be something like this, all my inbetween friends and acquaintances are going to ramble on and on about their exciting lives and then we are going to have some fun. That's about it really. It suits me fine. I don't enjoy speaking about myself a lot and I don't go out often anymore.

My friends at home are too busy with their children and jobs to have time to go out. Not that I am the party woman people believe I am, but I admit once in a while it is liberating to dance the night away and be one with the crowd.

Finally both suitcases are packed and I am ready to go to the local airport in a couple of hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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