chapter 1

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Dear diary,

I can’t believe that today is my last day at home before going to college. Well this will have to be a short entry because I still have more stuff to pack up and my mum won’t be happy if I leave it till tomorrow morning. At least I get a whole dorm room to myself and I don’t have to share with anyone. And I'm in the most luxurious dorm block on campus. Unfortunately, I have to go to lessons and lectures most days, so I won’t be able to spend my time in my room. But oh well, can’t have everything my way.

So, today is basically my last day of summer and I have to pack my things up. Aren’t I lucky? Not. My life sucks.

So far I have packed:

·         All my books and stationary (school stuff in short words)

·         My posters (YouMeAtSix and AllTimeLow and Panic!AtTheDisco and KidsInGlassHouses, my favourite bands really)

·         My music (CDs, IPod, I Pad and other music stuff)

·         My school clothes and casual clothes

And all I have left is:

·         My furniture

·         My bed stuff (duvet and pillows and blankets mainly)

·         My towels

·         My accessories

·         My shoes

·         My make-up

·         My DVDs

·         And, my phone/laptop/camera

So I have a lot to do today, but hopefully I’ll be able to get my mummy to help me. J

Well I think I should be starting soon. So by.

Love EmmaLeigh Flint (I know, Dan Flint is not related to me so sorry)

P.S. I’ll probably write again later so see you soon.

“Emma, do you need me to come and help you pack up there?” my mum called from the bottom of the stairs. She always nags me about EVERYTHING and she can be so annoying. But, she is always there for me and I can talk to her about almost anything, well apart from boys ‘cause that would just be embarrassing. She knows I am very independent yet she always thinks I need help from her, when I really do not want any help.

Anyway, one time I went to a party at a boy’s house when his parents were out of town. She told me of for not telling her where I went, and she didn’t care that I was drunk. But I had to go to that party; otherwise people would think that I am a LOSER. Just because I preferred to be on my own through most of school than be with all the CHAVS. And anyway, I started hanging with the popular group in senior year. So basically, I'm not a loser, I'm just a popular girl who likes to have some ‘ME’ time.

I told my mum I was fine packing on my own and I instantly regretted that, but I knew I couldn’t ask for her help straight after rejecting it. She’ll call up again soon to check how I'm doing anyway. So I continued packing up my stuff while listening to YouMeAtSix’s artist radio on Spotify on my phone.  When it got to my favourite song of the moment, No One Does It Better, I put the volume up to full and danced around the room. I honestly felt on top of the world.

Just when the song playing on my phone stopped; I saw I had FIVE missed calls from my best friend ever, Jessica. By the sound of the voice mails left, she needed my help right away. Good job I had almost packed up all my stuff left to pack.

Unfortunately, I am wearing the most unflattering attire possible. Tracksuit bottoms and an oversized tee. Personally I have no idea what I was thinking when I put this on, I suppose it is kinda comfy and I did think I would spend the whole day at home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2012 ⏰

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