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Jisung's P.O.V

"Jisung, stop messing up! Are you even trying?!" Mark hyung said annoyed. I just kept my head down.

"You've been messing up the whole week already Jisung!" Jeno hyung continued.

"What are we supposed to do when hyungs get here to see how our practice is going? Taeyong is NOT going to be happy, you know?" Donghyuck hyung added.

I know that... Sorry for being useless... Sorry for ever being a part of NCT...

"I-I'm sorry..." I managed to say before the door opened and the hyungs walked in.

"Damn, what's with the atmosphere in here?" Doyoung hyung asked nervously. No one answered.

"Just show what you've got, okay?" Johnny hyung finally said.

Of course, I messed up... Everyone scolded me... I really don't deserve to live...

"Let's just all wrap up for today..." Taeyong hyung said, clearly disappointed.

I opened the door to the rooftop. I sat down leaning on the wall. I just looked at the lights of Seoul which were clearly visible since it's already dark. After maybe ten minutes of just sitting there and thinking, I got up and walked to the edge. I carefully looked down and smiled once I realized how easy it would be to die. I've felt this way for months already... And now I've finally reached the end of it... I can't take it anymore.

I climbed on the safety fence and took deep breaths. I started crying and just thought that I will get to a better place. But just when I was about to jump...

Taeyong's P.O.V

"Don't do it!" I shouted in a panic once I registered what was happening in front of me. Jisung turned to look at me.

"St-stay away!" He shouted while crying uncontrollably. I carefully took a small step forward knowing that one wrong move and Jisung could be gone.

"Jisung, don't do it! Please!" I tried to convince him.

"No! I'll be better off dead! That's what you all want anyways,  right?! I'm too talentless for NCT! And you all know it!" He said while still crying.

"Jisung! That's not true! You know how much we love you, why would we want you to die?! And you're one of the most talented people I know Jisung! Just, please... Don't do it!" I tried my best to stop him while breaking down crying too.

"You're lying!"

"No! I'm not and you know it!" I tried my best but Jisung just turned his back to me and I swear that I have never run as fast as now. I managed to grab him to my embrace just in time. I lifted him on the safe side with me and he couldn't stop crying and protesting. Then it hit me... This was completely our fault... We completely forgot that he's still very young... He's probably going through his teen angst and can't think properly and he's probably also more sensitive... I feel like such an idiot... If we would've remembered all that and not scolded him that harshly and so much... He wouldn't have just tried to commit suicide...

"I'm so sorry Jisung... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have scolded you so harshly... And I should've stopped the others from doing so... I'm so sorry Jisung... I really am so sorry... I love you so fucking much Jisung... I'm so sorry Jisung..." I cried with him.

"You should've just let me jump! I'm useless to NCT!" He complained. I just felt even more guilty...

"D-don't say that Jisung... I really love you so fucking much dammit..." I told him, meaning every word I said.

Then before he could protest again, I kissed him. He was obviously taken aback but that didn't stop him from kissing me back after a while. Somehow the kiss turned more heated and the lust took over... And somehow we also ended up fucking on that rooftop...

If You Jump, I Jump (NCT TaeSung One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now