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Once upon a time there was happy town filled with beach side resorts and movie stars. A city busy and advanced. That was once upon a time, three months ago today to be exact. Three months ago... February 12, 2025. The day that San Francisco was declared state of emergency. The day our golden city began to inhabit drug addicted freaks and lunatics with guns. I never knew how fast a city could be brought to its knees or how fast a state could sink to the depths of hell. Ever since that day I've had only three goals. Get allies, get weapons, get out. The first month or two was easy, only a few of those freaks in our part of town. The police dealt with them pretty quickly. I had read enough zombie novels from when I was a kid to know to stock up on food and weapons but I had no gun license. Ever since all those shootings around 2013 gun control was a strict state law in California. But other than a firearm I had everything I needed. Food, water, and a backpack with first aid and other miscellaneous items. I managed to get my most out of my last bit of savings left. An eight inch folding knife and an old battered machete. I was prepared... Or so I thought.

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