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His icy green eyes stared into my blue ones as i struggled to talk. His face softened as he said

 "You were very brave to get up and say what you thought. All Daniella wants is drama!"

I was confused by his kind words as it was probably the first time i have felt such pureness and truth in his voice. My legs trembled and i felt like i had melted.

"Thanks. I'm not that phased by her anyway" i fakely smiled. He nodded, and i began to walk off until he grabbed onto my arm tightly, flashbacks reminded me of the times he had hurt me before, physically.

 "Let go" i demanded, as he did so.

"Listen Ave, i didn't want to hurt you. I did what was the best for us." Ave?? Ave? He hasnt called me Ave since we dated, when we began dating.

"I don't want to discuss it anymore harry, I'm fine and you're fine. I need to go to art now" i spoke as he gave me a small smile and took long strides in the opposite direction.

I walked into the art room late, all eyes locked on my figure. I mouthed a 'sorry' to my teacher as he gave me a polite nod. I took my seat next to my friend louis who's teal shaded eyes were focused on the canvas that was infront of him.

 "It's looking great Lou" i commented, taking in his strong features. His jawline was sharp and prodominant, as well as his perfectly aligned cheekbones. I watched the way that he would pull his bottom lip between his straight teeth and how he'd poke his tongue out slightly every one in a while when he was concentrating hard.

"Thanks A! How's yours going, yours looked amazing last time i checked.. i dont know if its even possible to perfect that any more than it already is!!" I blushed at his kind words, what he said isn't true though, my painting isn't up to the standard that I'm wanting it to be.

"Louis, no way! I'm not happy with it. I'm still no where near finished" i huffed, his firm hand holding onto my shoulder.

"Avery hudson, stop doubting your art work and being such a perfectionist. It is amazing! Please listen to me, for once."
And what he said was true, i knew i needed to stop being so harsh on myself. I was a perfectionist, but i didn't think it was a bad thing. It's good to have standards, right?. I gave him a shy smile and walked over to window where my canvas stood. Staring at it in frustration, focusing on all the flaws that covered it, I picked it up and brought it over to the table that Louis was sitting at. I began to paint the crimson rose that laid ever so softly in the palm of her innocent hands.

That lesson felt like it went forever, as i sat there listening to slow music on my phone, thinking about my encounter with harry earlier, and how much i longed for his love.

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