10>> proudly yours

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it has been 2 weeks after Taeyeon's broke up. and it has been 2 days that Tiffany ignored her again. 

the reason was because Tiffany wanted to be proposed by Taeyeon. Tiffany wanted Taeyeon to claim her officially as her real girlfriend, soon to be fiancee and soon to be wife. Tiffany wanted to have a clear official relationship with Taeyeon. 

but Taeyeon was so slow to make a move. Taeyeon was so clueless of what Tiffany was hinting. Taeyeon was too oblivious over things like that.

both parties has agreed to let Taeyeon and Tiffany get to know each other first before setting the date for their engagement and for the official announcement publicly. 

but during those get to know each other times, Taeyeon did nothing to impress Tiffany nor courting her. it was always Tiffany that always came and initiate something with Taeyeon. 

so, in order to make Taeyeon to start doing something for them both, Tiffany decided to ignore her even though she was missing Taeyeon badly. 

as of right now, Taeyeon was working inside her office. she was so frustrated that she couldnt focus on her works. she kept thinking about why did Tiffany ignored her. to make it worst, she met Yi Eun yesterday and Yi Eun treated her like a total stranger as it was obvious that the girl still couldnt forgive Taeyeon. 

being herself, Taeyeon felt guilty and sad that Yi Eun hates her. she wanted none but to be friends with her ex. 

Taeyeon then ruffled her hair as she leaned her back on the backrest of her chair. she looked up to the ceiling. she imagined of Tiffany smiling at her, and that imagination got her smiling too"i think i really am in love with you Tiffany Hwang", Taeyeon mumbled to herself

she then tried to remember her first time seeing Tiffany in college. the first time she heard her voice. the first time she encountered her. the first time their skin touched. the first time she saw her pretty eye smile. the first time she felt her crazy heartbeat. 

as she went to remember more, she closed her eyes. she still can feel how Tiffany's hot breath hot her skin. she can feel how gentle and soft Tiffany's touch. she can feel how perfectly fit Tiffany is inside her arms. she can feel Tiffany's sweet lips on hers. she can feel her. 

"ah Tiffany. what did you do to me?", she groaned and facepalmed herself. she then rubbed her face before standing up

"i need to see her"

and so, Taeyeon decided to start becoming a gentlewoman and stopped making Tiffany wait for her. 

but before Taeyeon could leave, Yoona came into her office

"oh? you want to go already?"

"uh, yeah. is there anything i need to know?"

"actually yes there is. this is a bit last minute but Mrs. Dong had sent her invitation for her son's engagement at the golden hotel. you know that she is your loyal client and investor too. i think its better if you come"

"when was it?"

"tonight at 7pm"


"im sorry. Mrs. Dong also sent her apologies for this late invitation. she thought her assistant already sent the invitation to you but she just found out it havent been done yet"

"its alright. i'll come. are you coming too?"

"no. have a dinner date with Yul later. kekeke"

Taeyeon pouted which caused Yoona to laugh even more

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