
282 6 2

Year: 5478
Present Day Los Angeles

The silence in the empty halls of the dilapidated school was deceptive, I knew they were right behind me. I gently ejected the mag on my gun and checked my ammo count. I felt my heart sink as I realized I was almost out. All I had left was my Glock and Bowie Knife. I gently tapped my head against the wall and cursed.

"Come on out Kitty Cat, Brock just wants to talk to you" the condescending voice of a desert dragoon said from around the corner.

"Is that why you've shot me four times?" I yelled, slightly out of breath.

"Now we both know that a few bullets won't hurt you."

"It hurts a lot, thank you very much" I yelled back, walking slowly toward the opposite end of the short, dead end hall.

"I don't care about your pain" Brock's lead henchmen said, swinging casually around the corner. Gerry Hanniter, an ass with too much confidence and not enough brains, waved his AR-15 nonchalantly through the air.

"Let me stab you in the leg and see how much you enjoy the pain" I offered, slowly pulling my knife as I continued backward.

"See I don't have your nifty little trick, so that won't happen. And neither will anything else crazy you're thinking about doing with that little knife" he gave my hand a pointed look.

"Hardly little" I looked Gerry over, taking in his ragged, tan clothing. Military grade boots, pants, and shirt wrapped up the bald headed goliath. His dark caramel skin had obviously seen better days, as he was slightly burned, but he still looked good.

"I have extremely specific orders to bring you back or kill you" he continued, ignoring my comment.

"Well that's unfortunate. I don't have lives to waste" I said.

"Sure you do, you're ahead of almost everyone in the world" he said with a laugh.

"And I would like to keep it that way" I said, smiling at him.

"Wait, what the hell are you doing?!" he yelled, sprinting toward me.

I threw my body backward, out the cracked window, falling twelve floors to the concrete ground below.

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