how is this possible??

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how is this possible??

Chapter 1

<Avalon POV>

"where are you sweetie?? come out come out where ever you are. I'm coming for you Avalon"

I jolt awake in bed, a cold sweat starts to form on the back of my neck. I have not had one night in over 9 years that I have slept without a nightmare. I get out of bed and start walking threw the narrow hallways of my apartment towards the kitchen. I look over my shoulder just to be sure no one was following me. I open the fridge and grab the milk, after pouring myself a glass and heating it up I walk back to bed. as I sit in bed I start thinking back on the night that started the nightmares. that night things happened I can't even remember, but there was one thing or should I say someone that I remember every time i close my eyes. He is engraved in the back of my eyelids. I don't know a name or even a eye color, all I know is he is trying to kill me, he has been searching for me and won't stop until he finds me. I can tell when he gets closer to me. when we are closer than 300 miles from each other he is able to grab me in my dreams. when that happens I run and never look back. this is my 17th house since the dreams started, and this is my 4th country.

I guess I should introduce my self. my name is Avalon Brooks, I'm 17 years old and living alone in a cheep apartment located in Sydney Australia. my parents are either dead or missing there last know location is SanFrancisco California USA. any known relatives have never seen me nor do they know of my existence.

I have been running from Xavier(i don't know his real name so I call him that) for 9 years, 11 months, 21 days and 18 hours. I started running from him on December 17, 2009 5:36 p.m.

(home schooled) I was doing my school work at the kitchen table while my mom baked Christmas cookies. the sweet aroma of the cookies filled my lungs and the warmth from the oven covered me like a blanket. my mom hummed cheerful Christmas song as she cut out different shapes in the cookie dough then slipping them into the oven. there was a knock at the door. my mom wiped her hands on her apron and walk over to the door to open it.

"why hello there Dr. what my I help you with?" mothers voice rang out cheerfully throughout the house.

"I'm taking Avalon" a man's voice said harshly. take me?? why would someone take me??? who is this guy?? I thought as I got up from the table and walked over to the door. there was a man standing there he was wearing a white lad coat and a wide rimmed hat that covered his face.

"excuse me? you are not taking her." mama said firmly " you are not ever going to touch a single hair on her head!" the man's lips curled into a creepy smirk.

" if you resist to hand her over I will be obliged to use force." he said in a silky voice "please resist" he said under his breath. my mom huffed and slammed the door in his face, locked the deadbolt and ran to me grabbing my arm.

"Avalon I need you to do everything I say and don't ask any questions. do you understand me?" she asked frantically. there was a loud banging at the door. I nodded quickly. mama ran to the hall closet and grab a small leather back pack with a bunch of pockets and hooks on it. she ran it back to me as there was another bang on the door and some yelling. "take this and go out the back door, run over to are neighbors the Parkingsons, ok and tell them 'the white crow has come' they are going to take you to the airport. from there take the first flight leaving and never come back, ever! And every time you see that man outside, i need you to run as fast and as far as you can. do you understand me?" I nod frantically.

"yeah, but mom. what about you and dad??" I asked still a little shaken up.

"well be fine. all we want is for you to be safe. now in the backpack there is everything you are going to need."

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