e l e v e n

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Vienna woke up the next morning, shocked by a dream that she then remembered actually happened yesterday. She smiled and went down from her bed to get breakfast from the fridge.

Oh no, we are out of groceries, she thought to herself.

She took the last apple in the fridge and washed it before munching on it. While eating the apple, The older carefully opened the younger's room to see the now couple, still cuddling comfortably. Vienna knocked on the door a few times to wake them up and eventually they did.

"Rise and shine, my children. It's about nine right now so go get ready. Also nice hair, Dom."

"Thanks, sis."

"Anyways, you guys wanna chill after work or something? Like hang out together and just talk."

"Sure, that would be fun. Wanna invite the other three? I mean, if they're free of course."

She nodded to Jaidynn's idea.


-chat [group chat]: vienna, dominique, jaidynn, lexie, crimson and ashlyna-

(text message)

jai: hey you three, wanna hang out later after 4? i mean, if you're free

vi: dom and i are going to be there too as always

lex: sure, ash and i finish 4:30 though, so maybe at 5 should be good? i'm not too sure about cri bc she apparently has to work extra hours to replace her absent day from last week

cri: sadly she's right, i have work extra hours till 6:30 then i have dinner with my family

vi: that's okay, there's always a next time!!

cri: i guess so :')

ash: i can go!

jai: so everyone except cri?

dom: sadly :(( anyways, enjoy your dinner and have fun there!

cri: thanks dom :')

vi: meet at ash's?

ash: yeah sure thing

vi: i'm lowkey excited bc i have stuff to tell you guys!!

ash: oooo! i'm sure everyone else will have some stuff as well, this will be fun ;)

ash: anyways, gotta gooo

lex: same, see you guys later!


After 6 dreadful hours of work, the three of them are finally home to get changed and get ready for their hang out. They got changed quickly and went straight out the door, the car keys in Vienna's hand.

Jaidynn texted Ashlyna, telling her that they will be there soon.

"I already texted her, she says that Lex and her are reaching to Ash's apartment from work and they want to get changed as well, so we can take our time going there."

"Okay, let's go."

The half an hour car ride to Ashlyna's apartment became relatively short since there was not heavy traffic on the road along the way.

They took the lift up to her apartment's level and Vienna knocked on her door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked!"

She opens the door and the three of them entered together. They saw Ashlyna and Lexie sitting on the couch and there was some snacks some the coffee table. As soon as Vienna closed and locked the main door, she joined them on the couch; while Dominique and Jaidynn sat on the floor facing them. Ashlyna spoke up in the temporary silence.

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