My OC's

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Character #1

Name: Brooke Dawson
Age: 15
Year at school: 5
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: Half-blood
Wand description: Ash wood, phoenix tail feather core, 10 inches precisely, hard flexibility
Quidditch status: Plays as Chaser
Average grades: O's and E's
Favorite class: Charms
Personality: Outgoing, friendly, wise, kind, makes friends easily
Hobbies: Quidditch, studying, hanging out with friends, dueling
Appearance: Dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, average height and athletic
Background story: She came from a family of three with divorced parents, and so feels most at home with her friends at Hogwarts. She still goes to visit her parents during breaks, and she works hard to make them both proud
Extra facts: Aspires to be a professional Quidditch player

Character #2

Name: Karolyn Jones
Age: 14
Year: 4
House: Horned Serpent
Blood status: No-Maj
Wand description: Shikoba Wolfe wand, thunderbird tail feather core, 9 3/4 inches
Quidditch status: Plays Quodpot
Average grades: O's
Favorite class: Arithmancy
Personality: Extremely smart and knows more magic than most people with magical backgrounds, shy and reserved, studious and sweet
Hobbies: Studying, reading, writing, learning, playing Quodpot
Appearance: Light caramel hair, wide green eyes, small and slim build, short for her age
Background story: She didn't know she was a witch until she got her acceptance letter from Ilvermorny, but was super excited to find out she was a witch. She excels in nearly everything at school and has studied hard to get there
Extra facts: Would like to become a Healer

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