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   It was an average day here in Oak Ridge. All the kids were out playing on their bikes causing trouble while their parents were working. Stray cats roamed the streets. And I'm sitting on the water tower drinking a cold orange cream soda. It's part of my daily routine.
   Then, I noticed something new. No, I understand cars aren't new, infact they've been around for a hundred years but, this car was new. The part that stood out wasn't the color, or the fact that it's been driving though the town often but the fact that it's parked. I know you're probably thinking, the family in the car is visiting a relative.. but that's not the case. They parked at the old house on the hill. The house furthest from everyone else. Here's the thing, nobody has lived there in over 50 years.
My question is, why start now?

I need to know who they are.
I've been staring at the car for a solid 10 minutes. Their lights just went off and the first door opens. The first brave soul to step out was the father figure. He was a slender man; tall from what I can see and his hair was a dirty white. I notice that he is dressed nicely. After 10 long seconds of him gazing at the house everyone else hops out of the car. The mans wife I believe, an old woman, and.. and..

I grew speechless.
A girl.
Not just your everyday normal girl either. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on. She wore a black dress laced with diamonds. Her hair was raven colored though she appeared pale. I fought my urge to keep my distance, at least for now.

A few minutes passed, and the new faces of Oak Ridge seemed ready to leave. Everyone headed back into their car after talking for a bit and drove off.

Where could they have gone? They're not from around here. I want to know their story. The vehicle that the man was driving had to be in the $100,000 price range. He and everyone else dressed perfectly. It was as if these perfect strangers were millionaires moving from New York or even Hollywood to.. here.
Infact that's exactly what it was.
But why?
Who would move here? Espically if you're rich?
I might not understand some things but that just doesn't add up.

They're the mystery of Oak Ridge. Fancy people don't come around here often. It's my job to figure out who they are. And I'll do just that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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