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These are just the characters (for those of you interested) the real story starts in the next chapter :) My names for the different characters are written just plain, the real (Shakespeare) version is written in brackets behind my version of the name, if there is no bracket, my version is the same as the original. Was that understandable? If not, read through it a few more times, or comment or something... Or just don't bother, this isn't the real story anyway :P

Esteban (Escalus): One of the grown ups. He is the one in charge, and everyone is slightly frightened of him.

Paris: One of the oldest kids in the kindergarten, and Esteban's nephew. Respected guy.

Monty Grewitch (Montague): Romeo's father, and the "leader" of the Grewitch family.

Caleb Peterson (Capulet): Julie's father, and the "leader" of the Peterson family.

Uncle Peterson (An old Man): Does this one really need further explanation?

Romeo: Monty Grewitch's son.

Marcus (Mercutio): Esteban's nephew and Romeo's friend.

Benny (Benvolio): Monty Grewitch's nephew and Romeo's friend.

Tyler (Tybalt): Mrs. Peterson's nephew, the kindergarten bully.

Laurence (Friar Laurence): A school kid (5th grade)

John (Friar John): A school kid (5th grade)

Berty (Balthasar): Romeo's fan (follows Romeo around and takes his orders)

Abraham (Abram): The Grewitch butler.

Sammy (Sampson): Child of a friend of the Grewitches, small, unimportant part of Romeo's gang.

Gregory: Child of a friend of the Grewitches, small, unimportant part of Romeo's gang.

Peter: Julie's Nanny's gay friend.

Andrew (An Apothecary): A wannabe magician, loves making fake potions (calls himself Snape, or potions master), one of the older kids.

Three Musicians

Berthilda (An Officer): One of the kindergarten nannies.

Mrs. Grewitch (Lady Montague): Monty Grewitch's wife and Romeo's mother.

Mrs, Peterson (Lady Capulet): Caleb Peterson's wife and Julie's mother.

Julie (Juliet): Caleb Peterson's daughter.

Julie's Nanny (Nurse to Juliet): Again, is the explanation needed?

Other kindergarteners (Citizens of Verona): girls and boys on both sides, and a whole disarray of other children too.

Romeo and CootiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora