Chapter 6

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Jason came running to the nurse wolves den only to skid to a stop so he wouldn't run over his mate. "Are you okay? what's wrong are you sick?" He looked her over frantically with concern. "Jason I'm fine" Heather laughed a little "well I have to tell you something..." Jason looked at her worried "I'm pregnant". Jason almost leapt for the sun "really?! are you sure!?" "I am a nurse wolf Jason I think I can tell and its been a few weeks since we've you know..". She smiled at his excitement and hugged her and kissed her passionately. She chuckled "Jason I have to get back to work now" Jason let her go reluctantly and pouted before running out of the camp back to the patrol. Heather walked back inside to help the sick pup and she gave him medicine to calm the fever.  The pup looked at her and whimpered in pain and she reached for a herb but realized there were no more. "Ivy I need a favor" "yes Heather?", Heather looked at the young wolf "I need more moon flowers can you go fetch some take an off duty warrior with you though". The young wolf walked out the nurse wolf den and out to the camp and took a warrior with her to the forest. Good luck. stay safe Heather thought to herself as they left knowing the rouges are out there. "The rouges!" She took off out of the den and the camp turning wolf and followed their scents.

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