5.4K 28 19

1- Ahn
2- An
3- Bae
4- Baek
5- Bai

6- Baik
7- Bak
8- Ban
9- Bang
10- Boo

11- Byun
12- Cha
13- Chae
14- Chai
15- Chang

16- Chay
17- Che

18- Chee
19- Cheong
20- Chew

21- Chi
22- Chin
23- Cho
24- Choe
25- Choi

26- Chon
27- Ching

28- Choung
29- Chu
30- Chun

31- Chung
32- Do
33- Gang

34- Goe
35- Goo

36- Ha
37- Hahm

38- Ham
39- Han
40- Heo

41- Her

42- Ho
43- Hong
44- Huh
45- Hur

46- Hwang
47- Hyun
48- Im
49- In
50- Jang

So, I'm not sure if these are accurate or not, if there is anyone from any of the countries I am doing that sees any mistakes, please let me know. All of these lists are taken off of other websites, I just created this book in order to keep a collection in one place rather than making you go all over the place to find the right names for your characters. I hope I'm helping you by posting these lists of names  and thank you so much for reading and commenting x

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