You Will Never Leave Me

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Sean arrives homes and makes a quick bee-line towards the kitchen, his stomach rumbling loudly.

He opens the freezer to take out a box of frozen lasagne. Whistling to himself, he begins to place the lasagne into the microwave and presses the start button. While waiting, he pours himself a glass of tap water and drinks slowly.

“Enjoying a little time alone?” a voice suddenly says.

Sean jumps slightly in surprise at the voice and loses his grip on the glass. It falls onto the floor and breaks into pieces. He quickly turns around and rubs his heaving chest when he sees Dustin standing by the kitchen door.

“Dustin,” he breathes. “You scared me. How did you get in?” He carefully removes himself from his current standing spot as not to accidentally step on the broken glasses. The microwave oven beeps, signalling that his dinner is ready.

“I still have my keys from when I still lived here,” Dustin answers, stepping further into the kitchen.

Sean turns his back to Dustin and opens the microwave oven door to retrieve his heated lasagne. He doesn’t see Dustin moving closer towards him until he turns back around and realizes that Dustin is now standing so close. It takes only a few steps to close the distance between them.

“Dustin?” Sean asks, frowning when he sees Dustin watching him with such intensity that he hasn’t seen in a long time. He feels his chest tighten and suddenly has an odd feeling that something is wrong.

“Yes?” Dustin replies, his lips curling up into a smile that seems quite disconcerting to Sean somehow. Dustin keeps making his way forwards and Sean takes a step backward for every step forward that he takes.

He however is forced to a stop when his back collides with the sink cabinet, and he finds himself trapped.

“Why… why are you here?” he asks, his voice coming out shaky.

There is definitely something different with Dustin tonight. The way he smiles makes Sean's stomach drops in what he can only describe as fear.

“I wanted to see you,” Dustin answers.

Sean can’t remember what happens next. But he remembers the last menacing smile Dustin gives him and a flash of something dark in Dustin's eyes before he feels something heavy connecting with his skull.

All he remembers after that is a hot searing pain and darkness.


Sean grunts softly as he slowly opens his eyes. He feels disoriented for a moment, confused as to where he is, his head feels like it has been hit by a truck. He takes a look at the surrounding, the room looks familiar, but it is dark with the curtain pulled shut, blocking the sunlight from peeking through the windows.

He attempts to move but startles when he realises that both his hands and feet are bounded to a chair that he’s currently sitting on. When he tries to scream out for help, his voice is muffled due to his mouth being covered with a bandanna.

He starts to panic then, confused and scared. Sean squirms in his bounded state, hoping to make it to the door by sheer willpower alone even though he knows it is impossible. He however stops from his struggle when his ears catch the sound of footsteps coming closer to the door and someone turns on the doorknob.

His heart is beating loudly in his chest, deafening his own ears in the otherwise quiet room. He holds his breath when the door slowly opens, bracing himself for what is to come.

A silhouette of a person pokes their head through the door and a hand comes up towards the switch and turns on the light.

Sean blinks rapidly a few times, trying to adjust his eyes to the new brightness suddenly surrounding him. After he can see again, he looks at the door and lets out the breath he’s been holding to see Dustin standing there. He feels relieved all of a sudden.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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