Chipmunk Lifestyle

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Few minutes of walking later, you stop. You're stomach starts to growl loudly, you haven't eaten in so long, it's almost hard to remember what you even ate last. It would be incredibly rude to just take some food without permission first, you were a guest after all.

"I'll just ignore it... I'll be okay." You think to yourself, walking to the room you woke up in. Once you were in the doorway, you see Boris standing at the pile of blankets and jackets. Grabbing your still soaked up shoes, he looks over at you. "Oh hey (Y/n), I hope you don't mind. I'm just going to dry your shoes out."

You smile softly and nod. But flinch from your stomach making a moaning moose noise. Boris raises an eyebrow and walks over to you. "Hungry?" He asks. Looking down, you nod. Boris puts his hand on your shoulder, and leads you out of the room. "Bendy stashed a ton of food in his room. We can steal some. He's always willing to share so don't worry about him getting pissy."

You giggle and nod, he takes you to another hall, walking into the first room. It's way more decorated than Boris' by far. Everything in the room is handmade. Pictures everywhere, some paper chains on the ceiling, each with a random saying written into it. Bowties sitting on hooks scattered around the walls, origami birds, people, cats, dogs, fish, dragons, and stars sitting on a drawing desk in the corner of the room. Each one decorated by random lines from a ink pen. And then there's the bed.

Like Boris', it was made of boxes, but his bed was 3x bigger, and had about 8 blankets on it. The 6 pillows were made from flour sacks stuffed with feathers. The boxes themselves were arranged to look... almost crib-like.

"Why the boxes arranged like that?" You ask, Boris walks over to the bed messing with the blankets. "Bendy's just weird-..." He pauses, then softly chuckles. You ask him what's so funny. Boris just smiles and stands up.

"Bendy may be very... childish, but he can be a real man at times." Boris adds before opening the closet. Before you could ask why, you see the closet is full of food. From animal crackers, to juice boxes, from dried fruit, to soda bottles. Probably thirty pounds of food was stashed away in there.

"...Why does Bendy have so much food?" You ask, Boris laughs. "He's like a chipmunk, every time a fan, worker, or anybody gives him food. If it's still edible after a few weeks of sitting around, Bendy would hide it away in here."

Boris opens the door further for you. "Grab what catches your eye. Bendy shouldn't really care. If he does, blame me." You nod, and grab a bag of whatever snack interest you. And hug Boris. "Thanks... this means a lot to me. Haven't had... normal food in so long."

Boris blushes slightly, hugging back. "Anytime kiddo, just tell me if you ever need something." You nod, then open the bag of food. Eating it quickly, it tasted amazing. Then again, if you're hungry enough everything tastes awesome.

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